Monday, May 22, 2006
Singapore Idol!
Guess who I saw on Singapore Idol?Yes! Mr Leow! That over-passionate Maths teacher from JJC! But fear not, he isn't the one participating. The person who participated was Yi Hao from the Students Council! The shot of him is pretty short, like 2-3 seconds of mindless jumping ( coz he got through the first audition ). And I also sae this humongous guy jumping with them ( whom I automatically assume is apple ).
Anywayz, good luck to him in the competition.
And here is some food that I recommend to all people!
The Ritz Apple Strudel !

They are available in 5 different flavours: Strawberry, blueberry, durain, peach and mango.
I highly recommend the strawberry flavour cos it not only looks more appetizing than the others but taste-wise, is better too!

This is the Strudel Halk. It's about the size of a small toaster.
The Strudel Full, is about the length of my forearm pluz hand! Wahahaha