Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The past few weeks have been hectic for me. Alot of long due paper work that my kind upperstudy manage to avoid. Paper work that I have to do for him while he sleeps in his bed. Ass! I shouldn't had been so nice when RQ wanted to give him SOL!Anywayz, as of today, I did managed to complete most of the Daily 5 Items check ( for the past 4 months ). All that's left for me to do is to find the CDO ( Coy Duty Officer ) Lta Royce and let him sign the papers.
The rest of the work, I'll leave it to my "beloved" upperstudy to prepare. Stuff like drafting up the hand over form and the disposal of a few items that he promised Marcus. I'm going to draw a line between work he should be doing and my share of work. For since the day I went into Support, I've been picking up his slack.
The coy is pretty empty now, with the bulk of the people performing thier POI duties. The rest of those remaining will probably be unconcious for the days to come. Better still, nobody to bother me.
Went back to JJ last friday. Supposedly to meet at the cafe but the place is closed by the time we got there ( and I was looking forward for a free cup of coffee blend ). So we ended up in the club room stealing photographs which Mer said will be used for extortion in the future. Then went to Westmall via Mr Tay's Car ( after we shamelessly called him on the phone and asked for free transportation ). Had dinner at BaliThai than slacked at Coffeee Bean where we came up with a christian name for yuhan, now known as Lily. ^0^y
The next day, met the same few people at Orchard. Louis also tagged along for this trip! haha.. The plan for the day is for me to start my retail therapy. I specifically wanted to buy a pair to swimming trunks. So I have to come out with a great, accident proof plan to seperate the guys from the girls. Went to NUM to look see look see but found thier trunks extremely bright! Than went to TAKA to have a look. Went through a long tedious decision making period to find the one I wanted. However, the sales lady said the size I want is not available and agreed to the comment that I made. That is should look in the kids section. lolZ!
Anywayz, after my retail therapy, went down to Clarke Quay to have dinner at Brewerkz.. I ordered this BBQ Combo Set which consists mashed potatoes, BBQ chicken and BBQ ribs and a mug of this very awful tasting beer to go along with the set. The ribs was good. The chicken was dry. The potatoes was nice. The beer was like I said, awful. Along are some photos that we took. Most of them are of MEr, Yuhan and Adel. Haha...

Top right hand corner. That's my drink!

At last! The food has arrived!

Focus on the empty mug! I managed to finish everything!

Louis, Adriel And Me!

Lily And Adel~

Mer, Lily And Adel

Aftermath of Louis' Alcoholic Stampede~