Monday, March 27, 2006
The Tammy Story Version 2.0
In an attempt to finish all 13 episodes of my lastest anime download before I report to camp, I slept at 3 am. This resulted in a very tired brain and drooping eyelids. Stupid mEToday is my first day officially reporting to camp! I reached at 1 p.m! Attended the first parade. Got informed that the last parade is at 2 p.m. Stupid army!
On my way to camp, met a fellow support coy mate. Learnt from him that the recent ghost movie ( the one circulating around ) captured on a handphone by army personnel, was in fact, from my unit. *dotz*
This is the second case of "lost handphone - contents being circulated on the net" incident ever since I came back from Thailand. And the sad thing is, the owner of the phone, got fined S$500.00. yes! Sad case...
Than came in the conversation between my upperstudy and some other HQ people..
HQ Person 1: Hey! You got delete that movie that we made or not? Later you lose your phone we die leh!!
Leonard: No, haven't deleted lar... oh ya hor, ( drawing experience from the previous 2 incidents ) , i think i better delete! *fumbles out handphone only to realise that he didn't bring his Nokia N70.*
** At this point of time, I'm still thinking that they also caught a pontianak on film **
HQ Person 2: Hahahah! Later become Tammy Version 2.0
** obviously, I was wrong **
Me: huh? * gave a queer look at leonard *
Leonard: You don't know what we're talking about right? Nevermind!!
HQ Person 1: Don't lose it leh! Later we become famous overnight! Got those moves cannot realise de! * performs a obscene gesture invovling one hand and a finger *
HQ Person 3: Haha, if kanna caught, will not be fined for just $500, this one counted as obscenity!
Me: continues to consume my Nasi Lemak...
And if the above incident isn't enough to brighten my day... there's always the "I hit you once, You hit me once, I hit you once, you hit me once, I hit you once......" incident..
As usual, my upperstudy is involved... I shan't explain what happen... you should know by the title of the event...
Now, I'm seriously wondering if me being stuck in the toilet was all planned... hmmmm
p.s: Can all those who have blogs leave their blog webbie here... I wanna link to you guys lar!!!
p.p.s: Is it rude to laugh at people's stupidity? Because currently, I'm trying myself not to drop tears of laughter whenever I see my upperstudy...
p.p.p.s: Attach is a image of who I think my upperstudy looks like...