Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Go Ed Psych.

Here are the results when you attempt an inventory test based on theories that you have learnt (and roughly mastered) in school.

Maslow Inventory Results
Physiological Needs (10%) you appear to have everything you need to survive physically.
Safety Needs (14%) you appear to have a very secure environment.
Love Needs (10%) you appear to be content with the quality of your social connections.
Esteem Needs (27%) you appear to have a high level of personal competence.
Self-Actualization (76%) you appear to have a high level of individual development.
Take Free Maslow Inventory Test
personality tests by

76% Self-actualisation. Wahhaa... Accroding to Maslow, approximately 3% of the human population reach the self-actualisation level.

staticidiot wrote on 1:11 PM.
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