Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sleepy sleepy sleep

Back in Singapore! Finally! Fresh Air, Clean Toilets, Warm Water, Cool Weather! I cannot believe how much I miss this country! And the best of all! Air-conditioning!

Right after the day from my last entry, the internet connection at the camp in Thailand went dead of a month! Freaking ass. Unrealiable connection! Sheez... I do not know what to write leh..
everything's a blank!

Maybe it's due to the fact that I still haven't slept since I touched down. Ya! Must be that...

Just recieved a phone call from another fellow CQ. All CQs are to report back in camp tomorrow at 9 am for a meeting. Understudies included! What the Hell! I guess its off to bed for me~


I read my tag... it IS not a mistake. Read the side note ( I'm A Gemini ) . Might change it later, not now. I don't have the energy to * click click click * change it now. So I'll let you guys laugh at it for a few more days bah...


staticidiot wrote on 8:53 PM.