Wednesday, January 11, 2006
STC School Annual Dinner
Today was finally the Dining-In. Since the course started, I hoped that it will never come to an end. That I'll be in this course for as long as possible. For there is one saying which goes like this :Endings are sad. Partings even worse. Saying goodbye to friends and love ones will contain heart breaking moments. That's why, endings are sad.
=.=" lame shyt =.="
Haiz~ I'm really, really sad that the course is gonna end. All the trainees of this current course will be posted to their own inidividual unit. For some, maybe never seeing one another ever again. I really enjoyed the company of people like Fabian and Elben. Those 2 are like the joker of the class. Ass-ho-lic at times but still jokers.
Than there was the time during SOL when Transport and Supply Trainees worked together for the first time. Fun~ Tiring but fun.
Than there was also the moments when a group of us will talk about Maple like there's no tomorrow. Discussing the best way to earn alittle $$$ from the game. About how lousy some people are. And also how quickly I leveled in 1 week.
Anywayz, I managed to smuggle my Camera into the camp and took some shots without getting caught. So here goes:

This is Hong Gay. His name is like a replacement for alot of words. E.g: "What the Hong Gay are you doing?"

The future Logisticians of 5 SIR!
From Left: Travers, Heng, Abdulla and Me~

Me with the Transport Supervisor, Khaw. He said that the lighting isn't good, so....

We took another one without the sky behind us ~.~"

Us Eating, See the food on the table?
From Left: Wing Yu ( the half face one ), Fabian ( he can't see straight ), Tai On and Eugene ( aka SilverAzion )

The food. Buffet lar..

This is Weasly, looks like pervert right? I think he is one... undercover de..

Me and Desmond ( aka Psyduck of Pokemon )... the thing we're eating, is the nicest food in the buffet~

I don't know who took this... But that's Tee, one of my syndicate member

Syndicate 3~
Clockwise: Zamir, Me, Brina, Johnny, Tee, Hong Geh, Char and KC

Syndicate 3 once more~

Me and my pet Monkey... stuck together for 13 years leh.. sianzified.. lucky never go same unit!

The 2 main person in the photo are Vaji and Me~ The 2 standing at the side are Isnady and Mahin the Black~

From Left: Teng Ho, Hong Gay, Mahinm, Vaji, KC and Me~

That's Aunite Cecelia Chin and Me...

Me and Eugene

Last but not least: Andrew and Me~