Thursday, January 05, 2006
The 10 Things
The time now is 1.53a.m. Thursday. Morning. And I am still awake writing this entry. Today's entry, well, as judged from the title, is about 10 things. What 10 things you might ask? There are just so many possible events that could have happened in the year 2005 which I am referring to when I said The 10 things. Maybe, I should have re-named this entry as the 10 events. Or manbe the 10 incidents. Or how about the 10 most regretful event/thing/incident that happened last year. I think I'll still stick with The 10 Things as the title. And yupz, this is the first entry of the year 2006. Woah! This being the first entry, and I just have to write about some unhappy past events. How wonderful. Hmmmm, at least I'm not going to do a write-up on what happened on the previous episode of Grey's Anatomy~ Anywayz, here goes, starting from the least regretable of the top 10 things to the most :The 10th,
This year, we got back our A Level results. Well, my results, are A-A-A... ya right.. nope. My results are B-C-D and a B4 for GP. Whenever my friends in Army ask me how did I fare in the Exams and after I told them my results, their reaction will be like :" Okay lar, not bad mar. Actually is average result lar. Confirm can get into University one lar.." But the truth is, with my kind of grades, it is hard to get into the course that I want. So for this part, I'm regretting that I did not study ( or mug ) hard enough for my A's.
The 9th,
As all of you reading this blog should know, ( with the exception of those who are unlucky enough to come upon my blog ) I started serving the Nation, My Beloved Country, SingapooooorrRRREEEEEE last year April. No, I'm not regretting that I am born with the male anatomy. But I'm regretful for not being "Garang or Wayang" in my 9 weeks in BMT. I regretted being super duper heck care/slack one corner during the whole 9 weeks, always blaming my slack-ness on the deadly and contagious virus called the NSD ( National Service Disease ) which reduces all forms of intelligence, initiative and, and .. erm.. and some other positive traits from all lifeforms. Or else, there is this slight chance that I might get into OCS, and not into SISpec, where I went out-of-course and blah blah blah.. Anywayz, that was the 9th for you.
The 8th,
I regretted not learning to drive as soon as possible, a.k.a, during the period of time after the A's.
The 7th,
I know that I'm not the best of the best of the best of friend that everyone wants. Neither am I the Best of the Worst lot of friends that anyone have. And I do regret that, on certain occasions, I am too lazy to go out to meet my friends/classmates/ colleages/ whoever-else-who-falls-in-this-catogory. But, one thing I must clarify, I am always telling the truth when I say I cannot make it or that I am not feeling well. When I don't want to go just because I don't feel like going, I have never come out with excuses on not turning up. Like there was this one time..... long story lar. Anyway, I regretted not spending more time with my friends~
The 6th,
I regretted on the many occassions, when I could have said something to help others but didn't. That I am very sorry.
The 5th,
I am very sorry for all the nasty things that I incidentally/indirectly/unintentionally implied on certain people. That I am again, very sorry.
The 4th,
Erm, well, I kind of regret being a prince of sarcasm ( is it spelt this way?) and not learning that there are different types of people with very different levels of tolerance when it comes to corny-ism.
The 3rd,
Sheez, well. Ya. I regretted not asking a certain person out to well you know, for well you know, and now the person got a well, you know. Ya~
The 2nd,
I am very very disappointed with myself, for not keeping a promise to a certain someone~
And finally the 1st,
I regretted killing a once-above-average-friendship ( not single-handedly since both parties are at fault ) and leaving it as it is till now~( and I think till the end of my life ) For the people in STC, they s~h~o~u~l~d know ( not too sure ) about this lar.. since.. well.. I was very mad, he was very mad.. well... all those who maple should know.. *shrugs*
So yup, there you have it, the top 10 things that I regretted in the year 2005.
Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you will ever regret
~ Ambrose Bierce