Thursday, May 18, 2006
5 SIR ORD Function
Yesternite was the ORD function. Before I start re-counting the events of the night, let be first thank all my judgement and lucky stars that I brought an extra set of shirt to the function, for if not, I'll be in the same colour as my "beloved" BSO.The evening started with me being late ( as usual ) but no damage was done since every one was still trying to get inside the ballroom when I arrived. Hmmm, I have nothing to talk about leh. The rest of the evening is a blur. I guess I'll let the pictures ( and short clips ) explain the events!
Kardel Oldman Sharpeye. he is so lousy and it's not due to my skills!
p.s: my dad's smoking again. Time to slam the door.

This was basically the only decoration in the ballroom. The lighting was good cept when one is trying to read.

These are the highlight of the function! Wahaha!!

Another photo of the event. The first part consist of all 10 girls out on stage.....

Followed by some hot sizzling twosome!

Than they begin to focus on a single female.....

And the stage is hers alone

One of the other highlights of the function. Apparantly, it's called the Dentists Chair. Idea taken from some adult clubs....

Another pic of the Dentist's Chair.

And when you thought the stripping was over. There comes another surprise. Male Strippers.
The guy on the right ( in pink stripes) He was my company's ex-OC. Yesterday was my first time meeting him. And when they say first impressions last.......

this was me with Abdulla, fellow CQ ( but B Coy de )

Fahmi and me. This was taken with his camera
and for those who wants to have a look at the male and female strippers ( live )
click on the following links:
The Female Strippers:¤t=MOV00995.flv
And the Male Strippers:¤t=MOV01009.flv