Saturday, June 10, 2006
The Lifespan of Animals in my house
Before I start typing out the boring activities that littered my boring life, I have something very important to announce. Flatnose is dead.How she died I do not know. Just saw an empty cage by the door when I returned from camp today. It’s so sad. I just found out Flatnose’s gender yesternite!
And bad things don’t come knocking without a partner. I also found out that the camera I borrowed from my aunt is a little cranky. There’s something wrong with the lens. Haiz. Anyone knows where can I repair a digital camera? There goes a perfectly find Cyber Shot. And also my hard earn measly allowance.
Today is the end of the Unit Induction Programmed for the new sergeants. After two weeks, one would have believed that they have more or less adapted to unit life. However, that isn’t the case for a few of the specs. There is this handful of idiots who still think that having 3 strips upon his arm is a very big deal. In an infantry unit, being a 3rd sergeant is nothing more than a high class corporal ( unless you are the CQMS, In that case, everyone will be loving you ).
These people aside, there are a few of the new specialists whom I think will enjoy life in 5 S.I.R. Lolx! There is this guy who ‘siam’ from a parade by injuring his ankle. Whether he really hurt himself or is malingering only he knows but that big bandage around his ankle looks suspicious. Hope he remains in SP Coy!
There’s a class gathering tomorrow. Secondary school one. *LAUGHING VERY LOUDLY*