Saturday, June 03, 2006
Move away, Singapore Commandos, this year's Best Infantry Unit belongs to 5 S.I.R!Just realised that my unit bagged the Best Infantry Unit for the year 2005 ( or 2006 ). Woah, We stole that award from the red berets! wohoooo! Haha...
In less than 24 hours, I have to go back to camp for Exercise Tigerstrike! Arhh, NSmen, why would you want to implicate innocent teens like me when you come back for your re-service? Finally done with the prepatory work for the exercise. All that's left to endure is the 5 days of attacks and of course, the post-exercise maintainence.
Hmmm. actually, straight after the end, there's gonna be the ORD parade for all those people who are going to become Operationally Ready! *we fight for our country!* About 85% of the NSFs of the 12th Mono-Intake of 5 SIR are gonna finish their term on the 6th of June! However, due to us being involved in the exercise, the formal parade is pushed back to the 12th. Haiz! I'm gonna miss all those people! Without them, there won't be any buffer from the contagious poison my upperstudy kept pumping into the atmosphere! Without them, there wouldn't be any more "sai gang" warriors for me to tap into. Without them, there will be nobody to do the COS AND GUARD DUTY! oh no!
And to prepare for the exercise which starts on sunday afternoon, I'm gonna sleep early tonight! *laughs* And as usual, I had my Double Cheese Burger w/o pickles and extra cheese! coolz!
but before I go to bed, here's something I found in my kitchen earlier when I'm having my dinner.

cute right? that's my bro's new pet. An add-on to the tortises and fishes in the house-hold.
I've decided to name it Flatnose! *laughz* I'm sure he/she will love the name.
p.s: if it doesn't like the name I gave it, than it will just have to settle for the more common name. Rabbit