Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The One with the "Bye you slutty Island"

Today was my last day in that awful island. Booked in yesterday nite. Went to bunk. Slept till about 10 this morning only to be woken up by shuffling noises outside my bunk. A thief? Nope. It is Murali trying desperately to get into the bunk to break some news. News that was to inform us that we have to go get our posting orders immediately instead of 2.00pm.

Went to collect the posting orders, thinking, " what the heck! I already know my posting" I should have known better to trust that black ass!! ( oppz ) Kidding. I'm not angry with him lar. Just my way of acknowledging his presence. Anywayz, I'm being posted to Sembawang camp for a Supply Supervisor course. Compared to that bloody island, it is nearer but quite the distance that I'm willing to travel to serve the nation. ( obviously showing the degree of loyalty to Singapore. ) Hopefully, it is really a stay out course. And that I'll get the rank promised soon after the whole course. ( which by the way, lasts for 4 whole freaking months. ) And of course, within the course, I will try to get my driving liscense, but, can someone tell me where to start?

After collecting that not-so-disappointing posting orders ( my friend got a stay in course ), went to meet JieMing for lunch. Lunch which I "owed" him since like one month ago. Were suppose to have lunch together like last month, ( don't ask me, he came up with it ) but everytime, some stuff just "mysteriously" crop up! Tsk. Oh!! By the way, Jie Ming is the first OOC of Foxtrot 36th BSLC. Going out of course on the first fall-in we had. Cool eh.

Met Sergeant Lee at the canteen. Had a chat with him. ( Most of the time its him talking about what to do at the new unit.. blah blah.. and also about the wierd, chim and totally nonsensical true name for the poncho. ) Than he started talking about the rate of OOC of Foxtrot ( rate = no. of trainees going out of course / day ) and mentioned one of his trainees going for a blood test or something the day before. First name that came to my mind and out of my mouth... Caleb Cheow? *Gawks* True enough it was him!! And than came the conversation about ( a short one ). You cannot blame me for being curious and all that for it is true that curiosity kills the cat. And the only reason why I'm not dead is because I'm a tiger and tigers aren't really cats. They only belong to the Feline's Species.

Both Micky ( not that mouse ) and I booked out without Murali, for we just couldn't find him!!! And this is not the first time leh. Oppz. Wonders what he thinks. Oh and Mer, I never recieve any $$$ from Xiao Hei. ( pun intended )

May tomorrow be a good day for me! =)


staticidiot wrote on 10:53 PM.