Friday, September 02, 2005

Routine Orders from HQ:

Samson Cher from F Coy is suppose to report to the AO to collect his posting orders on 6th Sept, 14 00 hrs.

Wahahahhaa... At Last, I'm being posted out of that horrible, horrible island. The Best is Yet to Come.. Whahaha.. Anywayz, thanks to Murali, who was gifted with the ability of stealth, he managed to scoop up where I'm posted to!! ( Note that his ability only becomes active when the sun in down ) And coincedentally, he's also being posted there!! LOOK OUT!! People!! watch who is stalking you at night.

Yupz~ And yesterday was a very wierd day. Why, you may ask. Simple. Strange things happened!!! First, there was this Caleb guy. Well, I'm having lunch with Murali when he came over to say hi ( he was from my BMT coy and SiSpec coy ). After which, he graciously sat himself infront of me ( uninvited ) to chat. I mean, there's nothing wrong about chatting at all. He is a very nice guy. I bet lots of girls swoon over him. *Note that I'm trying to be very very nice* To carry on, he was talking about how it sucks to be back for the ASLC course, and saying the usual stuff trainees will say, that this ( the island ) is the last place that they want to be, and that how they wish they have a life like mine. ( which I normally rebutt, saying that there's the whincing pain factor that they are forgetting ) Than, we talked about him, that Caleb guy, wanting to go Out Of Course like me, and down-grading because he has some blood thingy gone wrong. Not too sure about that. And of Coz, there's this brainiac who is so full of himself, Murali, who keeps interferring with our conversation till the extent where I almost asked Caleb to ignore that swirling mass of darkness sitting beside him.

Around this point is when the wierd stuff happened. He winked at me. At first I thought, maybe he was just blinking. Or maybe something got into his eye ( which in normal circumstances, will cause a person to shout :fark: and shuts both thier eyes ). But than, the winking came again.

Maybe this maybe not seem a big deal to you but it is to me. Like Dennis sensitivity to Spirits, I am to this..yah.. you get the picture... No. YOU MUST GET THE PICTURE. And than, due to some psycho-motor mechanism, I unconciously activated my E.S ability ( which by now, I am cursing myself for doing that!!). Anywayz, he left soon after that, and I thanked God.

This stupid incident left my mind almost immediately as I have to focus on more important stuff. How to run away from my duties in the mess that evening. After alot of wacky ideas, I still went upon my shift with the heart of a lion. Meow. That night was Happy Hour. A torturing 6 hours when Sergeants and Officers comes to the mess to kill their kidneys because the drinks are free. Judging from the amount that they took, I can conclude that one of them is gonna die in the next 10 years. Around like 9 pm ( the function started at 6 ), my previous OC, came to ask for yet another beer. After commenting on the perfect skill I displayed on pouring beer, he winked.
First thought, he is really drunk ( and this guy will not die of old age or kidney failure, but of the shock he will recieve after learning that all the stocks he bought just went down a dollars 1 hr ago )
Second thought, the incident during lunch.
third and last thought just to pacify myself: today must be winking day.


p.s: May I, in this lifetime, witness a meteorite crashing into Mars....

staticidiot wrote on 10:39 PM.