Saturday, January 26, 2008
The One with the ClobberedField
3 weeks since Semester 2 started, and one can see everyone preparing for the examinations in April! WTH! The assignments are starting to flow in! And I just realized that the Chinese New Year Week is E-Learning Week, which means that tutors will be opening their floodgates and drown the students with readings, tutorials and more assignments!Probably gonna get a F for both my Chemistry this Semester since I accidentally called my prof by his name~. Wah Kaoz! Very Malu!
Wasn't feeling too good the past few days. Felt better today so went down to watch Cloverfield with Juice Boy, Jon, and Mr Flabby Stomach.
The show was horrible... made be feel dizzy @.@~
I feel it's an attempt to create some monster which is unique to the US filming industry. Like The Blob or something. There was a scene where the monster looked like a gigantic Echinoderm!!! OMG!
*must be the motion sickness*

anyways, just in case an entry doesn't come around until after CNY.
HApPY LunAr NeW YeaR!

Just haf to post this~