Sunday, January 06, 2008
The One with the First Entry of 2008
First entry wooorr, Year 2007, I didn't,
1) Send out SMS wishing all a Merry Christmas 2007
2) Send out SMS wishing all a Happy New Year 2008
Happy 2008!
Kayz, I know the greeting came alittle late, so sorry for that!
Paiseh! Year 2008, everyone strike lottery lor!
I give 6 numbers for Toto.
5 30 7 15 24 37
Confirm open de!! Go buy!! One week will open one number! =)
I *think* I promised to post Ching's B'dae photo up, "last year".
So here's it.

Clockwise: Male's Butt, Jin Hua, Me, Yu Ying, Bryan, Female Butt
Next Matter of Business:
Went to celebrate Mei Hui's Birthday (2007 de) 2 weeks ago. Eden's Garden is the place. Damn Ex! *heart abit pain*

Gina and Mei Hui

You Xiang, Melzone and Me
Food is O.K only.

Creamless Pumpkin Soup

The Lovely Bivalves =)

And Tasteless Pasta with extremely salty Sundried Tomatoes
New Year's Eve
Spent New Year's Eve and Day with a bunch of guys (+.+)
Ended 2007 with the Movie - 2 In Paris
Started 2008 with the Movie - AVP 2
Had the New Year's Eve dinner at Hob Nob ( lousy food ) Xp
Magic-ed on New Years Day with Nigel, Roy and Jon
blah blah blah..
Friday-Sat Morning
Stayed over @ eugene's place along with Corn to mark the end of the holidays and the start of lab reports and many more assignments to come. Arghh..
I took afew (M18) photos of Corn.. Wahahahahah... For those who wants them, please send a signed check to me first. Address to me ( Samson ). Leave the amount blank, save ink! save the Earth.
Had Chicken Rice for dinner earlier.. =.=
Cab fare to XXXX place, $20.00
Wine (GIFT) $30.00
And the rest is history =D
Lastly, I realised that I skipped the whole new year resolution thingy for 2007! But things turned out pretty well, though there were certainly hiccups every now and then. As for 2006's NYR, I probably only managed to acheived half of them. So 2008, I will just make 1 NYR
Hurhur! Now comes the most important part of the first entry of 2008, NYR 2008!
*drumrolls ...............*
I want to look like him!

can lar!!!
save marnee go Japan Xtreme Makeover from head to toe...
(also not enough)
p.s: School is starting tommorrow! More Sexyback and A++++++++ ^o^
p.p.s: Entry comprises of bits and pieces of info. If it doesn't link. Don't bother~