Sunday, October 07, 2007
The One after the long break from Blogging
*peeek*whahaha! I got a

I just have to let the whole world know how crappy my grades are.. =)
Next time, I shall take pleasure in giving my students a big fat F.
Been quite awhile since school started. Finally completed a module, should be getting a B grade for it, pretty screwed for the rest, but nevertheless, still have to study hard for the rest for the sake of getting full pay!

Someone bought me this album.. I think it's really good! Thank you!
Attended yet another 21st birthday party... Yuhan's and Adel's. Make me want to have a birthday party too... Maybe my 22nd birthday.. hurhur
Met up with Jas for Ben's house warming at Kemangan... The house is damn big... The study room is twice the size of my bedroom. There's even a KTV room (abit extreme). Alot of Tecoma Capensis at his house, can attract alot of sunbirds!
Back to study.... Skinner, Bandura, Piaget, Vygotsky.. lucky you guys are dead.. argh!
p.s: Half the class got Fs for the test. Classmate said that a D+ is considered top 10 percent LIAO!