Friday, February 23, 2007
My E.S Level
I think that my E.S level has fallen by quite a bit.For today, there was this customer.
She's a housewife.
From Indonesia.
With a Degree in Arts.
Who wants to be a teacher.
Who pretty much made it damn clear that she wouldn’t take any chances of her breaking her tai-tai nails, by filling in the ONLINE APPLICATION.
Before I write anymore, I hereby declare that I dislike her to an extremely HUGE extent.
The way she talked to me at the beginning, is like that of a mistress to a slave. I didn’t want to continue to serve her. It was way past my allocated lunch time and all I had for breakfast were 3 small rabbits. (-.-)lll However, despite the fact that talking to her for one more minute will severely cut my remaining lifespan by 10 years and make me feel like (you-know-what) for the rest of the day, I still have to stinking guide her through the process.
Dang! I would gladly stick a pencil into her socket.
And as if sensing my growing irritation, she started offering me thanks and appreciations from the depths of her heart time and time and time and time and time again.
I almost gave her a withering frown.
Too bad I’m working outside. Unlike being in the army, I do not posses the luxury of ignoring any person whom I come to dislike. Nor can I physically assault them.
Aww, now I’m thinking why OC didn’t force me to pen my signature on that piece of contract.I’m beginning to dislike him too.
But that is an entry for another time.
p.s: I'm crabby while I'm typing.
p.p.s: I think people call it the No Game to Play Syndrome