Thursday, February 15, 2007
a stupid post

Work is fun! Work is fun! Work is fun!
Who am I trying to kid?
Earlier on in the day, Alan Poh messaged me to call back when I am free from work. It was a simple message. Just 8 words! "pls call me when you are free. Sorry". And I could already tell that he will be asking me to go back to camp to help out with LAB.
And as usual, I was almost right. It is S4 whom actually requested for me to go back. Dang!
To something on the same (sadness) scale but just a wee bit lighter.
You know that you are pretty much destined to be a future miserable Lao Ah Pek when you are spending Valentine's Day with friends you made during your army days ( AFTER YOU ORD ).
Movie night again with Mr 6 Pac and Jon. This time, Mrs Alan couldn't make it due to work commitments ( Guard Duty lar ). Mr Alan was somewhere in town, trying to convert the world road to make every guy on the street his blood brother.
I think that except for the 3 of us, the movie thearte was packed with plenty of couples celebrating their valentines day.
For some nosensical reason, I couldn't make myself pay attention to the flaming skull. It simply keeps drifting off into Boo-Boo land. EVEN after I told myself that this show is damn HOT! ( in other words, laming my mind to believe that the show is much hotter than it actually is. ) You don't get it? Nevermind. Read NOSENSICAL. Call it retribution bah... haha
And Valentine is finally over. I sincerely hope ( with all my heart ) that all the lovers in this world enjoyed their V.Dae Dates.
Just a few things to take note of:
1) Please do not have your Dinner Date at Burger King.
2) Please draw enough money for you to last through the day (and night) and do not jam up a whole ATM queue.
3) Yes, the movie theatre is dark, but it is NOT the place to be in on such a special occassion.
4) Finally, once it is open, use it immediately. The transmission of diseases is reduced greatly when used the correct way. CAUTION: ONLY ONE USE!
p.s: You Look Fat
p.p.s: Ever tried laughing yourself to sleep?