Thursday, February 08, 2007
The day I become Operational Ready

Lifes a blur
I still remembered my enlistment day pretty clearly. Myself, carrying my Nike bag and looking for someone familiar over at BMTC Tekong. My parents sitting there eating lunch with me and complaining how bad the food tasted ( it was yam rice ). Me being in the same section as Wei Sheng , same company as Bryan =( and Justin. Being appointed as a toilet cleaner ( I always kana the worst job ). My POP falling on the same day as my birthday. Blah.
Than I got posted back to Tekong for BSLC. Cursing my luck after realizing that I am in the worst section of the worst platoon of the worst company of BSLC( at that time ). How I always hated to ride the ferry back to that forsaken island. I think this might possibly be the time when I am the brink of depression. Blah.
Than I entered the CQ Course. Army Logistic Corporate Philosophy. Mapling. Flunking my test. Sleeping during lectures. The unity of my Syndicate, together we made the Syndicate Leader cry. A LOT! Graduation Ceremony. Blah.
Than, I got posted to 5 SIR. The days where we ( Abdullah, Heng and me ) do stupid things to go off earlier. Having to participate in Exercise Crescendo after less than 1 month in the battalion. Logistics nightmare!!!! The hot weather over at Crescendo leads to a thirst for refreshing drinks. ( CANTEEN every meal ! ) Becoming the CQ of Support Coy. MR LAI!!!!!! Blah.
12th Mono
- CPT Fraser Yeo: Ba Long Long OC
-2SG Terry: someone with a weird voice
-2SG Shaun: sooooooo friendly, sooooo round and sooooo cute
-Leonard Lee: I think he is a potential HIV carrier
-Marcus: he deleted quite a huge chunk of my files.
-Zhao wen: COS! COS! COS! COS!
13th Mono
-CPT Alan: workaholic with a weirder voice
-SSG Tan Yong Huat: go clean your backside lar
-Mr Alan: self proclaimed Wing Feet
-Mrs Alan: Juice Boy
-Mr Alan + Mrs Alan = combo for laughing stitches
-Mr Flabby Stomach: the walking street directory.
-Jon: don’t so stress, it’s only 200 points
-Jun Rong: Don’t get irritated so easily
-David: Half full ar! Half full!
-Sze Han: You are always the best of the scouts
-Teng Jin: He taught me how to go up the top bed. Gymnast Style.
-Liang Qi: Like to hate him. Hate to like him.
-Edden: My dad knows your Mum.
-Kelvin: the one my friend called stupid and idiotic
-Tag: ringtone changer
-Yong Tian: Keep out the good work ( …. I know it’s cheesy …… )
And so it ends, a remarkable and certainly, memorable journey.
My National Service life.
I am already missing it.