Sunday, January 27, 2008
*blew me to heaven*
The One with the Legs~
Another reason why guys (and girls) should not sit cross legged~Crappy~ Don't Read ~

Movement of blood through our veins is something we take for granted most of the time. When veins become damaged or are weak, we become more aware of blood flow (or lack of it) because varicose and spider veins form, usually in the legs. Blood stalls or is sluggish in these veins and they become visible on the surface of the skin.
Courtesy of Nurse A and Nurse B from Silent Hill~

*There isn't any medical records indicating that sitting cross legged will lead to varicose and spider veins*
Teen takes on donor's immune system
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The One with the ClobberedField
3 weeks since Semester 2 started, and one can see everyone preparing for the examinations in April! WTH! The assignments are starting to flow in! And I just realized that the Chinese New Year Week is E-Learning Week, which means that tutors will be opening their floodgates and drown the students with readings, tutorials and more assignments!Probably gonna get a F for both my Chemistry this Semester since I accidentally called my prof by his name~. Wah Kaoz! Very Malu!
Wasn't feeling too good the past few days. Felt better today so went down to watch Cloverfield with Juice Boy, Jon, and Mr Flabby Stomach.
The show was horrible... made be feel dizzy @.@~
I feel it's an attempt to create some monster which is unique to the US filming industry. Like The Blob or something. There was a scene where the monster looked like a gigantic Echinoderm!!! OMG!
*must be the motion sickness*

anyways, just in case an entry doesn't come around until after CNY.
HApPY LunAr NeW YeaR!

Just haf to post this~
Sunday, January 06, 2008
The One with the First Entry of 2008
First entry wooorr, Year 2007, I didn't,
1) Send out SMS wishing all a Merry Christmas 2007
2) Send out SMS wishing all a Happy New Year 2008
Happy 2008!
Kayz, I know the greeting came alittle late, so sorry for that!
Paiseh! Year 2008, everyone strike lottery lor!
I give 6 numbers for Toto.
5 30 7 15 24 37
Confirm open de!! Go buy!! One week will open one number! =)
I *think* I promised to post Ching's B'dae photo up, "last year".
So here's it.

Clockwise: Male's Butt, Jin Hua, Me, Yu Ying, Bryan, Female Butt
Next Matter of Business:
Went to celebrate Mei Hui's Birthday (2007 de) 2 weeks ago. Eden's Garden is the place. Damn Ex! *heart abit pain*

Gina and Mei Hui

You Xiang, Melzone and Me
Food is O.K only.

Creamless Pumpkin Soup

The Lovely Bivalves =)

And Tasteless Pasta with extremely salty Sundried Tomatoes
New Year's Eve
Spent New Year's Eve and Day with a bunch of guys (+.+)
Ended 2007 with the Movie - 2 In Paris
Started 2008 with the Movie - AVP 2
Had the New Year's Eve dinner at Hob Nob ( lousy food ) Xp
Magic-ed on New Years Day with Nigel, Roy and Jon
blah blah blah..
Friday-Sat Morning
Stayed over @ eugene's place along with Corn to mark the end of the holidays and the start of lab reports and many more assignments to come. Arghh..
I took afew (M18) photos of Corn.. Wahahahahah... For those who wants them, please send a signed check to me first. Address to me ( Samson ). Leave the amount blank, save ink! save the Earth.
Had Chicken Rice for dinner earlier.. =.=
Cab fare to XXXX place, $20.00
Wine (GIFT) $30.00
And the rest is history =D
Lastly, I realised that I skipped the whole new year resolution thingy for 2007! But things turned out pretty well, though there were certainly hiccups every now and then. As for 2006's NYR, I probably only managed to acheived half of them. So 2008, I will just make 1 NYR
Hurhur! Now comes the most important part of the first entry of 2008, NYR 2008!
*drumrolls ...............*
I want to look like him!

can lar!!!
save marnee go Japan Xtreme Makeover from head to toe...
(also not enough)
p.s: School is starting tommorrow! More Sexyback and A++++++++ ^o^
p.p.s: Entry comprises of bits and pieces of info. If it doesn't link. Don't bother~