Friday, December 28, 2007
The one with the i-touch

Ha ha. Testing 123. Short update. Results are out. Got my free I-touch. And now, I'm blogging thru it. Cool right. Though I need to get use to the touch screen keyboard and find where is the enter key. Hur Hur! Lol. ciaoz

staticidiot wrote on 6:31 AM.
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Friday, December 07, 2007
The One with the stange Daniel~

Just a little update...

Went to become sharity elephant (again) on wednesday.. pretty fun, except for the constant slapping of (my) trunk and the "SHARITY ELEPHANT IS A MAN!!!" comment. Lolx.. Children can be soooo cute and annoying at the same time..

Than just bombed S$669.00 on a camera on Thursday.. Canon Powershot IXUS 860IS.. but i hope to get the yearly S$400.00 entitlement claim from the Government (wahahah) so it's still pretty cheap....

Christmas is coming, who wants to exchange Christmas gifts?

I wish all a merry christmas and a happy new yeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrr~ (with dou3 ying1)


p.s: JM came back from his 2 month Europe trip, and reportedly spent a total of 13k++. How I envy him...

staticidiot wrote on 12:38 AM.
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