Friday, February 23, 2007
My E.S Level
I think that my E.S level has fallen by quite a bit.For today, there was this customer.
She's a housewife.
From Indonesia.
With a Degree in Arts.
Who wants to be a teacher.
Who pretty much made it damn clear that she wouldn’t take any chances of her breaking her tai-tai nails, by filling in the ONLINE APPLICATION.
Before I write anymore, I hereby declare that I dislike her to an extremely HUGE extent.
The way she talked to me at the beginning, is like that of a mistress to a slave. I didn’t want to continue to serve her. It was way past my allocated lunch time and all I had for breakfast were 3 small rabbits. (-.-)lll However, despite the fact that talking to her for one more minute will severely cut my remaining lifespan by 10 years and make me feel like (you-know-what) for the rest of the day, I still have to stinking guide her through the process.
Dang! I would gladly stick a pencil into her socket.
And as if sensing my growing irritation, she started offering me thanks and appreciations from the depths of her heart time and time and time and time and time again.
I almost gave her a withering frown.
Too bad I’m working outside. Unlike being in the army, I do not posses the luxury of ignoring any person whom I come to dislike. Nor can I physically assault them.
Aww, now I’m thinking why OC didn’t force me to pen my signature on that piece of contract.I’m beginning to dislike him too.
But that is an entry for another time.
p.s: I'm crabby while I'm typing.
p.p.s: I think people call it the No Game to Play Syndrome
Monday, February 19, 2007
Just a same update
A small update.Just received a few photos we took using Huda's phone. PeiYin (aka Empress Dowager of 03S2) still haven't uploaded the photos that she took, therefore, we all have to wait just a little longer.

Smoking something after the Alumni Dinner : Nice place to chill

We wanted to do something dirty on Bryan's bed (ie, without him knowing).
But all we did in the end was make stupid faces in front of the camera.
Happy Lunar New Year to everyone.
Celebration of this year's Lunar New Year is like always. Paternal Renuion dinner at my parent's house on the eve. Than a visit to my Grandpa at the temple one Day 1, followed by Renuion dinner for the maternal side.
Boring rite?
I bought a book with Jon and Mr 6 Pac at Kino the other day. It's called The Reasons I won't be Coming. Am halfway reading through it and I say that it is quite awesome. Just to let those who are interested, the book is made up of individual short stories. And as you can deduce from the books name, each one paints out a different reason. Or something like that. lolx
here's a picture of it.

p.s: Let's just hope that is plenty of sun tomorrow!
p.p.s: I'm suffering from a mouth ulcer of gigantic proportions
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned
Today is Lunar New Year eve.The time now is 0630 hrs.
The reason why I am awake at this stupid timing is NOT because of the traumatising experience yesternite. ( Forgive me Father, for I have sinned )
I don't know who gave the rubbish disposal truck the timing to collect bulky items from the dump. But sending an enormous truck at 6 in the morning isn't right. And not right especially for people who only manage to hit the snooze at 0300 hrs.
Anyways, the shopping trip with Mr 6 Pac and Jon was quite successful. Even though Jon was late by 30 mins, and me by 45, we still managed to get a few things before it is time for me to go.
Met the rest of the class,03S2, at Novena MRT before heading down to Bryan's 21st B'Dae Party. (Yah, the Bryan whose total words exchanged with me in JC2 < 50)
The partys quite cool but I think the majority of the class felt out of place (and a little bored). Partly because we are the only ones from JJC to be present (not including those who knew Bryan before JC) . The fact that we won't really close to him even though he is our classmate for 2 year contributed to our out-of-place-ment>.
Hmmm, now, do we have enough supporting statements to justify why we stuck to our own cliques and played "007" and "Jungle Speed"?
The only other people I know present at the party is Wei Xiang and Desmond (my unfortunate colleauges) and a guy from BMT who is currently classified as under the name "Raven Platoon 2 guy".
Left the party right after the cake cutting because the plan was to meet Mr 6 Pac and Sean for something.
p.s: The name Da Chang Jin will never be the same to me again.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Skeeter Davis - The End of the World
I'm beginning to like this song ... alotSkeeter Davis - The End of the World
Why does the sun go on shining
Why does the sea rush to shore
Don't they know it's the end of the world
'Cause you don't love me any more
Why do the birds go on singing
Why do the stars glow above
Don't they know it's the end of the world
It ended when I lost your love
I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why everything's the same as it was
I can't understand,
no, I can't understand
How life goes on the way it does
Why does my heart go on beating
Why do these eyes of mine cry
Don't they know it's the end of the world
It ended when you said goodbye
Why does my heart go on beating
Why do these eyes of mine cry
Don't they know it's the end of the world
It ended when you said goodbye
a stupid post

Work is fun! Work is fun! Work is fun!
Who am I trying to kid?
Earlier on in the day, Alan Poh messaged me to call back when I am free from work. It was a simple message. Just 8 words! "pls call me when you are free. Sorry". And I could already tell that he will be asking me to go back to camp to help out with LAB.
And as usual, I was almost right. It is S4 whom actually requested for me to go back. Dang!
To something on the same (sadness) scale but just a wee bit lighter.
You know that you are pretty much destined to be a future miserable Lao Ah Pek when you are spending Valentine's Day with friends you made during your army days ( AFTER YOU ORD ).
Movie night again with Mr 6 Pac and Jon. This time, Mrs Alan couldn't make it due to work commitments ( Guard Duty lar ). Mr Alan was somewhere in town, trying to convert the world road to make every guy on the street his blood brother.
I think that except for the 3 of us, the movie thearte was packed with plenty of couples celebrating their valentines day.
For some nosensical reason, I couldn't make myself pay attention to the flaming skull. It simply keeps drifting off into Boo-Boo land. EVEN after I told myself that this show is damn HOT! ( in other words, laming my mind to believe that the show is much hotter than it actually is. ) You don't get it? Nevermind. Read NOSENSICAL. Call it retribution bah... haha
And Valentine is finally over. I sincerely hope ( with all my heart ) that all the lovers in this world enjoyed their V.Dae Dates.
Just a few things to take note of:
1) Please do not have your Dinner Date at Burger King.
2) Please draw enough money for you to last through the day (and night) and do not jam up a whole ATM queue.
3) Yes, the movie theatre is dark, but it is NOT the place to be in on such a special occassion.
4) Finally, once it is open, use it immediately. The transmission of diseases is reduced greatly when used the correct way. CAUTION: ONLY ONE USE!
p.s: You Look Fat
p.p.s: Ever tried laughing yourself to sleep?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Mid-Feb Post

I have to be honest with everyone out that, as a single person, I don't really like the month of February. And I've grown to dislike it more when it reaches half it's cycle.
On the 14th of February is Valentine's Day.
Valentine is a day whereby one will see couples everywhere! Showering the other party with gifts in dimly-litted restaurants. Making out in dimly-litted alleys. And unintentionally bringing about the birth of a new-born child 9 months later.
Valentine now, to me, isn't like the ones I used to have in secondary schoool. Then, it is normal for the female classmates to go around giving out little gifts ( in skimpy little dresses ) to everyone as if Christmas arrived early. Now, when we are all grown up and knows that Father Santa is but a fictional character, the world simply, just leaves you out of the celebration and wish that you will die fat and bald, while serving 10 to 20 years in jail.
Another reason why I dislike Valentine's Day is because, on this very day, there is no such thing called Friendship ( if you know what I mean ) *joking* Everyone is busy.
If I were asked to choose between roses are red poems and Pagan gods now, I'll definitly prefer the latter.
St Valentine would never do that.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Agh! My brain!

I had to blog something now in order to keep my dumb brain from freezing with the many dumb stuff that I'm dumbly trying to squeeze into..
I watched Babel with Mr Six Pac, Jon and YT the night before I ORD, so this is coming in a bit late.
Who cares?
Babel: Spoiler Alert!
The movement of the story adopts the Christmas hit Love Actually. The movie strings together people in 4 countries.
To make things short,
Curiosity of 2 led to helplessness ( or not ) in Morrocco
Grief makes way for anger in Japan
Temptation rules that heart of a Nanny in S.California
Disappointment and Anguish in Morroco
Loneliness and Desire in Japan
Abandonment and Trauma in Mexico
I can't think of any for S.California.
Done with the summary.
Now, the whole movie had me wishing that I could jump into the screen and be there to help all the unfortunate events that happened. Therefore, at a certain point during the show, all I was thinking of is for Babel to have a happy ending. And unfortunately, it did.
Irony? I'll explain. The entire show is based on this void whereby nothing good exists within. It is filled with betrayal, violence and suffering, not to mention stereotyping of the minority groups. (which is freaking true!)
Therefore, to me, having a close-to a typical fairytale ending broke the whole story chain into bits and pieces, tearing away at the very essence of the storyline.
But again, maybe Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu just wanted to let the viewers know that even in a realm of chaotic pandemoneum, goodness can always be found lying in small gestures and acts.
That is if you look hard enough.
Okay. Here comes the verdict.
For movie goers out there, this is a must-watch movie! For non-movie goers, this is also a must watch movie.
The difference between the 2 statements?If you are a movie-goer and didn't catch Babel, you might as well go kick the bucket.For non-movie goers, you are forgiven.
Just go catch the movie lar.
Okay, now I shall go and try (again) to develop a blood clot in my brain.
*touch wood*
p.s: SPCAians beware, you might be in for a tough ride.
p.p.s: I left a boring and tiring $100/day job, for a $54.27/day job, equally boring and distasteful.
p.p.p.s: I am so bored! Someone entertain me!
p.p.p.p.s: Nvm, entertainment of my choice is always denied!
p.p.p.p.p.s: I dislike Valentine
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The day I become Operational Ready

Lifes a blur
I still remembered my enlistment day pretty clearly. Myself, carrying my Nike bag and looking for someone familiar over at BMTC Tekong. My parents sitting there eating lunch with me and complaining how bad the food tasted ( it was yam rice ). Me being in the same section as Wei Sheng , same company as Bryan =( and Justin. Being appointed as a toilet cleaner ( I always kana the worst job ). My POP falling on the same day as my birthday. Blah.
Than I got posted back to Tekong for BSLC. Cursing my luck after realizing that I am in the worst section of the worst platoon of the worst company of BSLC( at that time ). How I always hated to ride the ferry back to that forsaken island. I think this might possibly be the time when I am the brink of depression. Blah.
Than I entered the CQ Course. Army Logistic Corporate Philosophy. Mapling. Flunking my test. Sleeping during lectures. The unity of my Syndicate, together we made the Syndicate Leader cry. A LOT! Graduation Ceremony. Blah.
Than, I got posted to 5 SIR. The days where we ( Abdullah, Heng and me ) do stupid things to go off earlier. Having to participate in Exercise Crescendo after less than 1 month in the battalion. Logistics nightmare!!!! The hot weather over at Crescendo leads to a thirst for refreshing drinks. ( CANTEEN every meal ! ) Becoming the CQ of Support Coy. MR LAI!!!!!! Blah.
12th Mono
- CPT Fraser Yeo: Ba Long Long OC
-2SG Terry: someone with a weird voice
-2SG Shaun: sooooooo friendly, sooooo round and sooooo cute
-Leonard Lee: I think he is a potential HIV carrier
-Marcus: he deleted quite a huge chunk of my files.
-Zhao wen: COS! COS! COS! COS!
13th Mono
-CPT Alan: workaholic with a weirder voice
-SSG Tan Yong Huat: go clean your backside lar
-Mr Alan: self proclaimed Wing Feet
-Mrs Alan: Juice Boy
-Mr Alan + Mrs Alan = combo for laughing stitches
-Mr Flabby Stomach: the walking street directory.
-Jon: don’t so stress, it’s only 200 points
-Jun Rong: Don’t get irritated so easily
-David: Half full ar! Half full!
-Sze Han: You are always the best of the scouts
-Teng Jin: He taught me how to go up the top bed. Gymnast Style.
-Liang Qi: Like to hate him. Hate to like him.
-Edden: My dad knows your Mum.
-Kelvin: the one my friend called stupid and idiotic
-Tag: ringtone changer
-Yong Tian: Keep out the good work ( …. I know it’s cheesy …… )
And so it ends, a remarkable and certainly, memorable journey.
My National Service life.
I am already missing it.