Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Last Entry
On the 23rd December 2006

I always thought girls like flowers

Group Shot 1


On the 24th December 2006

sleeping my day away
On the 25th December 2006

On the 26th December 2006

the call of duty
On the 27th December 2006
On the 28th December 2006

On the 29th December 2006


The 4 of Us

My Ex Civics Tutor.

That's Bryan on the X-treme right

Not Bimbos.

Class of 03S2 ( almost )
More to come~
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Cursed? Maybe.
The third movie I caught this December month with Mrs Alan, Mr 6-Pac and second with Mr Alan.The Curse of the Golden Flower...
The movie is based on the play Thunderstorm by Cao Yu. It depicts a time in the 10th Century during the Tang Dynasty, when ( one thought ) literature and poetry is thought to be at its peak.
The basic is simple: Husband had 1st son with 1st wife. 2nd wife having an affair with that 1st son. HUsband unhappy, husband poisons wife. Wife retaliates. 1st son falls in love with daughter of 1st wife. Incest = Unhappy ending.
Chow Yun Fat, like always, did a fantastic job, in playing the Emperor. In fact, such a good work he did that I made a promise to myself, that when I grow old, I will wear those grey contacts lenses just to make myself a tad more charming.
The Emperess, played by Gong Li, is probably a representation for the whole female population in that century. Being the less important out of the two sexes, the Emperess eventually decided to fight back with like 10,000 Chrysanthamums. But even though she lost the battle, to me, Gong Li is still a great actress.
However, Gong Li is probably born for this type of roles. Exact opposites of Zhang ZiYi, Gong Li posseses this uniqueness of her own, kind of like untapped, raw energy. Capable of killing any man who is stupid enough to think that she actually needs any rescuing.
And of course, there is no way, Zhang ZiYi could squeeze enough ***** to fill up to the Emperess' dresses. =)
The battle scenes reminds me of The Battle of Helms Deep, a scene from the LoTR trilogy. Silvery plated archers raining arrows upon their enemies below. A lack of originality is you ask me, but hey, this is a battle from an ancient time. Numbers against numbers is the popular warfare then.
All in all, the Curse of the Golden Flower, is not that bad a movie. This is probably due to Curse having a good cast like Chow Yun Fatt and Gong Li. The plot, however, didn't manage to captivate the audiences in a spellbound daze, thus making it quite forgetable. Majority of the 45 million is spent on the sets and costumes ( and also the A list actors ), visually enhancing the whole movie. Thus making the movie goer experiencing a "I SPENT 9 BUCKS TO WATCH A 45 MILLION MOVIE" feeling.
What I can be sure of is that, perverted Chee-GO-Peks will be praying for more movies like that. With the beautiful bossoms ( oops, I meant blossoms ), one just cannot shake the feeling that someone near you is undergoing heaving spasms along with the Empress.
3.5 out of 5 Almond Jelly + 3 Longans = Total score of 6.5.
p.s: Borat anyone?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A need for an Entry
And I agree with you, stinko that I should be updating my blog. But you see, the "blog-or-rot" feeling is still not here yet.Thus, the abscence of entries.
In any case, here is my contribution to already info-cluttered web.
Watched Flags of our Fathers with Mr and Mrs Alan, and Mr Flabby Stomach at the Cathay on the first week of december. ( or was it the second? )
Oooyeah! Samson da Greatness drove to Orchard on a Saturday night. But of course with aid from Mr Flabby Stomach who always stopped by the road whenever I got stopped by sinister red lights.
And yesterday ( FRI ) was the Battlion Annivesary. And once again, I managed to embarass myself infront of the new guys. ( not only from my company, but other coys as well.) Arghs!
The whole thing ended at around 9pm. Taxied home than went to meet Mrs Alan and Mr Flabby Stomach at Westmall to watch Eragon.
Now, Eragon the Movie, is bad. The whole movie is filled with dumb one-liners, bad acting and way too many cuts. The only event that saved this movie was around the end of the movie, when Mrs Alan made a stupid joke - wah, like summoning Belias. And I think Mrs Alan is right, watching the movie actually felt like playing a RPG. Either that or re-watching a bad episode of Captain Planet. Fire!
Went supper ( and my breakfast ) after that at some prata shop.
And I'm truly sorry that I'm actually in front of my com now, typing this entry, when I "should" be at momo. I feel damn bad and glancing at the pile of untouched work isn't helping. (I have to bring ARMY work back to do!)
I think I'm going back to my Vaan and Ashe.