Thursday, July 27, 2006
A compilation of two weeks
It took me around 2 weeks to come up with this entry. And it is not because I do not enjoy writing it. Just that procrastinating got the better of me.Even now, I am forcing myself to type this out. But somehow or another, I have to start kicking that lazy bug out of my system. Too many things in camp that I should have had done still lay somewhere in that locked cupboard collecting dust and incubating spider babies.
Went out with my PJ friends LAST Saturday. It was nice of R.Y to ask me along this class gathering ( I only studied there for less than 3 months ) but next time, remember to ask Eugene out too. I really enjoyed it.
Anyways, the bunch of us went to watch Pirates at The Cathay. Almost everyone who were supposed to be there were late ( that includes me ). In fact, out of the 8 of us watching, only 3 came on time. Pravin came late due to the traffic. And he was the one who booked the tickets. Though he was not the latest. The last to arrive was Nancy, and it is because of her lateness that caused us our first 5 minutes of the movie! Lolx.
Anyways, we went to the glass house to have our dinner. ( yes I struggled to put that piece of Dory Fish into my mouth ) Halfway through our dinner, saw the fireworks display over at the National Stadium. Guess it was the NE show for the kids. Took lots of pictures there too. I think almost the whole class was using the sony erricssion phone cept for Pravin who is still using his pink Razar. Kind of cool though, not the Pink Razar, but the class sharing the same Hand Phone Model.
Saw my upper-study at PS after the dinner. There’s also one ‘model’ walking around and strutting her/his stuff. Giving everybody there the shingles up their spine.
Anyways, here are a few photos that I manage to get my hands on.

From the left: Jun Hao, Kuanz and Me

That's Geraldine giving the act cute post. Genevive is the only other person looking at the camera. Every else is too engross with something else.

Grace and Me. So insisted that I stand on her left.

A stem and some petals. Get the drift?

The Gang~
The past week in camp is boring. Mainly because everyone I know in camp are finishing their 2 years liability to the Nation and happily clearing their leaves. Went to the debrief, which marks the end of the stock-take. For me, the main highlight of the meeting was the part when S4 announced the 3 days off for the involved personnel. Not much but better than nothing.
Also cleared my IPPT ( army term for NAFPA ) last week. By the directive, I have already fulfilled my part since I only need to get a pass for that bloody test. I did better. Got a silver instead. However, my OC isn‘t satisfied with the Grade I got. ( By the way I got a perfect score ) I still remember his words -à “I don’t care! You must get a gold!” and “ I admit that I am coming from a selfish view, but I still don’t care, you must get a gold!”
How’s that for a OC?
And I also met my future CSM. The experience was one hell of a Nightmare. One that haven’t even begun and I’m already shivering. And that’s an understatement.
I’m just finding a way to cross all my fingers at the same moment and pray that they made a major mistake in the posting!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
AHM training.
I hope to finish this blog entry before the song ends.There was the Army Half Marathon Training today. A training run of about 8 km, from my camp to Little GuiLin and back to the camp. Although this was my first training, I was not the last one to finish the 8 km. Heck! I even managed to finish before a few of those running only 6 km. By the end of the run, was dead tired. However, there was still work to be done.
S4 wanted the coys to get ready for the 13th mono in-take by next Wednesday. That is, the bunks should be ready by than. ( Note: 13th Mono will only be arriving on 8th September. ) Encik’s instructions were simple. I plan, the other specs move. That is the job scope of a CQMS, most of the time, we will barely lift our hands * laughs*. But still, in the end, I was there helping them move all the cupboards and beds to suit S4's bunk layout. Everyone was dead tired after the run. Things that normally only requires one person to move now needs 2-3 of us to shift.
I couldn’t believe how thick-skinned some people can be. While the specs from Charlie were moving their stuff, Heng ( Charlie’s CQ ) was there sitting and looking at them move. Maybe he thinks that they do not need aid, or it is just that he cannot be bothered to lend a helping hand.
In any case, I believe that I wouldn’t be able to stand proper without wincing for the next few days.
For Muscles are Retarded.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Super-Long Entry
Today, there’s a mini-class gathering with my JC mates. The people present for this gathering, although pathetically small, were Jinhua, Huda, Hafizah and Kitty. It was quite surprising when Huda suggested that we go Ice-Skate because I never would have imagined them being into sports. Anyways, the skate was not a bad idea. Think that everyone had their fair share of fun. Hafizah molested a boy ( age should be below 12 ), JinHua managed to learn how to skate. Huda got to see me fall “graciously” ( on all fours, mind you ).Went to watch Superman Returns with Hafizah and Huda after being cheated by Kitty. She said that there’s a Wallet Shop outside the IMM Giant. I was thinking of THE Wallet Shop, not the pasa-marlam type. Anyways, Superman was quite a nice show. It isn’t on my Must Watch List but since it’s the only movie available, we had to choose it. My rating for the Superman Returns will be : 2.0 Almond Jellies. The low score partly due to the lady sitting behind me who keeps kicking my chair. Wait, I wouldn’t even call her a lady, that bitch. *Hafizah cried when Superman Died*
While waiting patiently for my bus to arrive, I started thinking how great it would be to have super-speed like Superman’s. To be faster than a speeding bullet, means ( at that moment ) I would already be home and not stand there like a idiot waiting for public transport which definitely moves slower than a speeding bullet. On the ride home, all the ‘what-ifs’ bombarded my mind. How nice it will feel to not have gravity act on you? How great it will be to have super human strength?
But just as I reached my designated stop, reality dropped down on me like a great hunk of kryptonite. Life is not a fairy tale, that’s why we don’t have men in skin hugging spandex flying around our HDB blocks. ( it will be a sight to behold if there were.)
On the short walk home from the bus stop, that’s the time when “Why the world hates Superman” syndrome kicked in. Superman is a freak of nature! Unlike his alien counterparts ( whom normally have 10 eyes too many ), Superman looks exactly like us humans. He is like a outcast no matter where you put him. With the aliens, he looks abnormal. With Humans, he possesses too many super-powers ( and looks too good! Says so by a particular sex of the Homo Sapiens Species ).
But still, it would be good to have super-powers.
Here are the five super powers that I wish I have:
1) Super-Human Bulging Muscles:
Who needs Super-Strength when you have muscles like his.
2) Super-Breath:
What I meant is NO-BAD-BREATH.
3) Super-Speed:
It will be a breeze to pass your IPPT and Re-service term.
4) Super-Good Looks:
Need I explain?
5) Super-Size Schlong:
It would be great to have people digitally erasing your over size er-herm every time they are going to publish your pictures on the paper.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Info for the brain
I just found out a little information that is both exhilarating but saddening at the same. What I shan’t tell. A little mystery is always good for the brain. ( your brain, that is )Anyways, finally went for a run on Friday. Yeah! After not running for one whole year, I still managed to get a silver timing for my 2.4km! Initially thought that by proving that I can “still make it” for my IPPT, I would not have to participate in the exercises that my new OC is planning. But damn that over-zealous OC of mine! For the next few weeks / months till the Army Half Marathon, I will STILL have to go for the trainings. Arghz!
And if that is not bad enough, I might become the first CQMS to stay in.
What I don’t understand about him is why he sees me as a member of the 13th Mono commanders when I am only to spend not more than 4 months with that in-take of new recruits. Hmm, maybe I shall highlight to him that I did when for 12th mono’s ATEC in Crescendos.
Today, wanted to play DOTA with Jeremy Ho but the highly complicated system of LAN craft proved too much for my shallow understanding of the system. I must start influencing people to use Hamachi to play DOTA instead of LAN craft.
Next up on my time schedule: To come up with a sinister master plan to convert all LAN craft users to Hamachi! Wahahaha!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Oh shyt! AHM is here again!
Unit Induction Programme is no more! All the new specialists that my Coy is housing have finally been posted to their individual coy. But Terry and Shaun also have to move out of my bunk to their new coys. Haiz. Now, there isn’t anyone left to clean up the bunk and fetch me down to the bus stop le. OMG!The BSO is also going to be posted out of the unit! That means I would not have to see his bugger face forever! But in the past few days, he was really nice to me. Mainly because he needs me to sign his clearance form! Haha! Now, I’m king!
Today was the stock-take for my coy. Yes! At last it is over. Yeah! Long live Freedom to come! Lady Liberty come forth from your isolated solitude! Lolx!
However, I did not manage to achieve a 0% discrepancy which I was aiming for. Something which falls under the new Enterprise System was missing in the Armskote. I.e., even after endless reminders to the armskote sergeant that everything have to be there! For a moment at that point, I almost reached out for his neck and strangled him to the brink of death.
Anyways, my new OC, CPT Alan Poh, very ‘casually’ asked me why I did not join him in his run this morning. Arghz! I dislike walking, what makes him think that I would even have the slightest interest in running/jogging or going for the Army Half Marathon ( which I have to take part in ). The distance I have to do is 21freaking KM! ( this is the few times I regret being a sergeant since cpls and below only have to do 12 km )
Just hoping that I will survive the training for the “half marathon” which will be held every Tuesday and Friday. Hmm.. Maybe it is time to get another medical status.
And I saw one of my secondary class mates on TV yesternite. She was that Suki Tan on the Channel 8, 9 pm show. Although it is neither a main actress / supporting actress role, just a carrefair, hey at least she had more than one sentence of dialogue! And I would assume more than 5 minutes of show time on National TV!