Friday, June 30, 2006
Everything is a piece of shyt
I hate it when things don’t go the way I planned. I’m sure everyone shares the same view.
For the past few weeks, my Unit has been preparing for the commercial stock take taking place from next Monday onwards, for two whole weeks. Maybe it’s just me being too stressed out by the fact that the newly appointed S4 expects a 100% no discrepancy report for this stock take. All us CQs of the companies have been working their butts off, hoping not to be the dead weight of the Unit. After all, we did get the Best Infantry Unit.
For the past 3 days, I’ve been waiting for this Logistic Warrant to come have a pre-stock-taking check on my stores. 3 days! 3 whole days spent waiting for nothing. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and HQ have all been checked. Support Coy ( my Coy ) was left on the bloody shelf.
This is my first stock-take. My upper study had already went to hell ( or at least I hope he did ) and the new specialists are giving me a big headache. The out-going Poses are too eager to throw everything to me, and the BSO ( o.k. idiotic f*rker/ass-hole/ dumbass ) is still busy running away from his duties which he had conveniently accumulated for the past few years.
Gazing on the brighter side, at least I think that this will be the only time I will ever be so busy. I’m gonna ORD in 7 months time and I WILL torture my understudy the second he sets his foot onto the coy’s grounds.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Alpha Soup
Explaining simple scientific knowledge to older folks are completely useless ( and sometimes, a waste of time) since normally, either they do not understand what you are trying to tell them or they just refuse to listen.Recently, my gramps went up to my sister with a bowl of soup, telling her that if she was to finish it all, then she need not eat anything else. Yes! What she meant was that all my sis can choose between eating the horrible food my maid cooks or suffer the soup. ( However, speaking frankly, I would rather opt for the soup )
BUT! As a science student ( a biology student at that! ) and knowing that that brown concoction could not be the answer to the starving kids in Africa, I went up to my gramps and start telling her that my sis will still have to eat the basic necessary food ( the ones in the pyramid ) even if she drinks that thing.
I suppose she took it the wrong way, thinking that her smart-ass grandson is challenging her knowledge, however little, of brews and tonic, which ,by the way, I swear I was not doing. My gramps started to explain, conveniently ( to her ) switching between Mandarin and Teochew. A pretty cheap technique to be using against me, due to my lousy understanding of the language. However, given the age gap between us ( it is like me snatching a lollipop from a toddler ) totally unfair!
After she finish saying her share bit of defending speech( which did not make sense to me BUT I think I caught the statement : undergoing 4 hours of brewing ), I tried once again, failing of course, to tell her that at the very least, my sis still have to take some vegetables! ( I am pretty sure that the grayish-brown bits floating in the soup is no where near food that can provide adequate dietary fiber. )
For several days, all my sister took for a meals was one large ( and I mean very, very huge ) bowl of THE soup. However, like everything in my family, nothing lasts. I suppose that 4 hours of brewing is too tedious process for my gramps. Now, I am happy to report that the unidentified liquid is gone for the moment and that my sis is happily enjoying her chicken porridge.
p.s: someone in the family suspects that it is me who told my sis what was used as ingredients for the soup that caused the cease in the product. I, however, beg to differ.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Grow hair Grow!
here's my work timings for the past week.07 30 - 09 30 : work
09 30 - 10 00 : breakfast
10 00 - 14 30 : work
14 30 - 15 00: lunch
15 00 - 17 00 : work
reason: stocktake arriving...
the new S4 came to 'visited' my store today. He tried to test me on a few items blah blah. But thanks to the 100th level smoking ability i learned from my upperstudy, I was able to pass the test! yeah..
And in a bid to look different from my twin in bugis, i went for a hair cut! the result: Disastrous! Now, I rather look like my twin. And of course, I swore never to go there again!
p.s: I learned something new today! BBM!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I have something to say today.I don't feel like blogging today...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Before everything conviniently fly out of my brain again, I'm gonna type everything out, ( also have to wait for my hair to dry ). Haha. Before I continue, I think I spent more than $150 for the outing.
Saturday afternoon, went for driving lessons at Gombak. My instructer allowed me to pass the parrallel parking section even though I gently 'knock' into the front poles ( while he wasn't looking ). So now, all I'm left with are the circuits and the other test routes. Revision too!
After that, met Merina and her sis at J.E. The plan for the afternoon is for me to go shopping. Afterwhich, to meet the ACC peepz for dinner at a 'high class restaurant' at Geylang. Had a light snack at Bugis' MOS Burger before we set off for my retail exercises. Saw Liyi ( my daughter ) and Jia Bi @ Coffee Bean while walking. They decided to tag along, which is a good thing, since Liyi have a pair of very sharp eyes. Good for I-D-ing good stuff.
Anywayz, fast forwarding. Bought a pair of jeans at TOPMAN. The person who helped us, hmmm, well, the girls said that he was abit "BHB". I shan't explain. And just because we are of the same height and have vaugely similar hairstyles doesn't make us brothers. However, the good looking part... hahahaha.... All in all, I got the pair of jeans ( which he was wearing ) and ,don't be jealous, a very small heart for S$79. Quite worth it leh. Compliments to Liyi, Meri and the BHB but good-looking salesperson. lolx!
After that, went to look around for some miscellaneous stuff before heading to Bugis Street. I bought 3 tees altogether. And all for the total price of 32 bucks! The first cost $10, the second cost $2 ( because 1 for $10, 2 for $12 mah ) and the third tee for $20.
MEt, the ACC gang at Kallang MRT, time, around 7.50pm for dinner. As usual, anything that Bao Yun do, cannot be trusted de. The 'high class restaurant' turned out to be one cheap looking steamboat house. What'ts worse is that they couldn't accomadate 16 of us, so they ( the owners ) arranged for us to be eating at the back alley. Machiam illegal gathering. However, we didn't eat there but at Marina South ( that is after we bombarded the 'reserver' with lots of erm, commentS? )
Went to the steamboat where the chinese dance auntie was, though this time, there wasn't any cloth spinning. Had fun there, exchanging fun-filled insults at Bao Yun, and not to mention, two groups of people arguing ( those ahlian ahlian type de ). And also the questions on the outcome of THE flowers.....
Walked back to MRT after the meal. Went to JP to watch Silent Hill with some of them. The movie sucked. Not worth watching. Not even worth even it a rating. However, I must say that the skin clad demons are cool!
And than, my hair dry le....
p.s: something suddenly popped into my mind. Why on Earth is that place called Silent Hill, when from time to time, it is freaking noisy!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
BBQ @ Coloured Court
Saturday night was great! Went to another gathering for my secondary school class. This time, it's a BBQ session again but instead of being held at the norm, East Coast, we had our renuion at the "colour court" ( alias location ) behind JP.Reached the place at 5+, close to 6. Only Alicia, my elder 'sis' ( Jasmine ) and her boyfriend was there. However, Jas was sick, so she couldn't stay long. Than came a familiar ( but not welcomed by me ) sight. Kenneth arrived next. Was disappointed that he wasn't missing a limp or two. Than Yong Kang arrived with the drinks.
Went to Nan Da's Giant to do some last minute shopping for the BBQ.
Upon returning to the pit, saw that most of the people are already there. There's Jun Liang and his GF, Keng, Feng, Guo Xiong, Wan Jing and Jean.
My younger 'sis' ( Jean ) became slimmer. Now got airforce boyfriend wor! Dun pray pray.Lolx! But sad lar. Coz she started to suanz me say why so long leh still don't have girlfriend. Than say what throw her face. -.-"
And there's also Peter and Zhi Cai. Both not from the class nor from the school. They came to "pian chi pian he" one. But on account that Peter drove me home at the last renuion, I allowed him to stay! lolx ( and also his house is very near, so like that easy to go toilet ).
Pauline ( who was said to be starring in the new season of Cai Hong Xia Ri Yin ), Kayan, Shawn, Jing Bei ( Felicia Chin lookalike cover her face except the eyes ) came later.
After the BBQ, went over to West Bowl ( near West Coast there bah ) to bowl. Wahahah! First time my score go over 100! First game only managed to get 77 pts. 2nd game I got 120. Zhi Cai got 130, Monkey and Yong Kang got 115, Shawn got 100, Feng and Guo Xiong got 60+ each. And the winner of the 2nd game was .......... tag team duo, Keng and Jean. They scored 138 pts. Cannot believe it! Game ended at around 1.30 am. Than once again, am lucky enough to have someone chauffer me home! lolx!
p.s: can't wait for the chalet in July~
Saturday, June 10, 2006
The Lifespan of Animals in my house
Before I start typing out the boring activities that littered my boring life, I have something very important to announce. Flatnose is dead.How she died I do not know. Just saw an empty cage by the door when I returned from camp today. It’s so sad. I just found out Flatnose’s gender yesternite!
And bad things don’t come knocking without a partner. I also found out that the camera I borrowed from my aunt is a little cranky. There’s something wrong with the lens. Haiz. Anyone knows where can I repair a digital camera? There goes a perfectly find Cyber Shot. And also my hard earn measly allowance.
Today is the end of the Unit Induction Programmed for the new sergeants. After two weeks, one would have believed that they have more or less adapted to unit life. However, that isn’t the case for a few of the specs. There is this handful of idiots who still think that having 3 strips upon his arm is a very big deal. In an infantry unit, being a 3rd sergeant is nothing more than a high class corporal ( unless you are the CQMS, In that case, everyone will be loving you ).
These people aside, there are a few of the new specialists whom I think will enjoy life in 5 S.I.R. Lolx! There is this guy who ‘siam’ from a parade by injuring his ankle. Whether he really hurt himself or is malingering only he knows but that big bandage around his ankle looks suspicious. Hope he remains in SP Coy!
There’s a class gathering tomorrow. Secondary school one. *LAUGHING VERY LOUDLY*
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It's a strange thing how sometimes, one just couldn't get a particular song out of his mind.And the song that is currently on repeat mode in my player is Before Your Love by Kelly Clarkson.
I made a birthday wish today but I couldn't tell just anyone about the wish because it according to age-old myth, it wouldn't come true if told.
However, I can tell you the wishes that my relatives made for me.
My dad wishes that I find a girlfriend quickly so that my room will not be put to waste.
My mom wishes that I could go help her asap.
My aunt wishes that I grow taller.
My brother wishes that I will let him use my com more often.
My maid wishes that I grow taller and eat more.
And last but not least, my rabbit wishes that I will feed him/her more often.
( okay, and maybe find out it's gender too )
So since today is my birthday, I want to think of something to add on to my new year resolution. Something like a task to perform. A goal to achieve. I re-read a few of my Elrond entries. In June 2004, my task was to erhmmm... Whereas in 2005, the entry was lost. Hmmm
this year, the thing I want to do isn't restricted to just once. It doesn't have to be done within a certain time frame.
I want to lie on the mountain pastures of New Zealand during the transition period between Winter and Spring.
The cool winds blowing.
The Skies blue.
Wah shiok!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Move away, Singapore Commandos, this year's Best Infantry Unit belongs to 5 S.I.R!Just realised that my unit bagged the Best Infantry Unit for the year 2005 ( or 2006 ). Woah, We stole that award from the red berets! wohoooo! Haha...
In less than 24 hours, I have to go back to camp for Exercise Tigerstrike! Arhh, NSmen, why would you want to implicate innocent teens like me when you come back for your re-service? Finally done with the prepatory work for the exercise. All that's left to endure is the 5 days of attacks and of course, the post-exercise maintainence.
Hmmm. actually, straight after the end, there's gonna be the ORD parade for all those people who are going to become Operationally Ready! *we fight for our country!* About 85% of the NSFs of the 12th Mono-Intake of 5 SIR are gonna finish their term on the 6th of June! However, due to us being involved in the exercise, the formal parade is pushed back to the 12th. Haiz! I'm gonna miss all those people! Without them, there won't be any buffer from the contagious poison my upperstudy kept pumping into the atmosphere! Without them, there wouldn't be any more "sai gang" warriors for me to tap into. Without them, there will be nobody to do the COS AND GUARD DUTY! oh no!
And to prepare for the exercise which starts on sunday afternoon, I'm gonna sleep early tonight! *laughs* And as usual, I had my Double Cheese Burger w/o pickles and extra cheese! coolz!
but before I go to bed, here's something I found in my kitchen earlier when I'm having my dinner.

cute right? that's my bro's new pet. An add-on to the tortises and fishes in the house-hold.
I've decided to name it Flatnose! *laughz* I'm sure he/she will love the name.
p.s: if it doesn't like the name I gave it, than it will just have to settle for the more common name. Rabbit
Thursday, June 01, 2006
the many questions people ask....
A questionare I found on Mer's web!1. have you ever use a penknife to cut yourself?
on purpose, no. but many times by accident. thank god there aren't any scars!!
2. why did you do it?
like i said, AC-CI-DENT!
3. have you been to another country w/o parents?
yupz! but only two times! there's UWA and when I visit my relatives in Australia..
4. who do you love right now?
eh.. tough question.... dunno *laughs*
5. do you believe in love at first sight?
love at first sight is bull! there's only lust at first sight.
6. ever felt so jealous of your friend?
of coz!
7. what was the last thing you did?
protecting the ancients
8. what is the past that you miss alot?
9. who was the last person you ate with?
eh... one fat spec in camp
10. how many times has your page been viewed?
don't have a counter.'s the weather right now?
night, warm, humid
12.last person you called today?
13. last person who called you?
an officer... sianz
14. last song you sang?
Gab's Song! but it sounded awful..
15. last time you danced?
JJ Orientation Camp? lolx
16. lost a friendship over something stupid?
nope! coz I lost many.. *sobz*
17. smoke?
nah! i dislike smokers now..
18. dumped someone before?
no one for me to dump... oh wait! i did throw my sis on the bed before...
19. been really depressed before?
what do you think?
20. faked being sick to miss school?
plenty of times... to miss school, to miss meetings, to miss everything.....
21. what time did you wake up today?
22. current taste?
23. what sports do you do?
lying down.. it's a sport too!
24. what are you wearing right now?
t-shirt and JJ shorts lor... i very poor de...
25. are you too shy to ask anyone out?
hmmmm... normally i wait for ppl to ask me out... wahahaha
26. what is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
the teeth =p
27. where are u now?
home lar!
28. what date is it?
010606! I know coz I wrote today's date alot of times!
29. current thoughts?
nah.. not thinking... this survey must be spontaneous one...
30. did u go somewhere yesterday?
camp.... boring!
31. what did u do there?
work lar! NS!
32. how old are u?
19. turning 20 in 6 days!
33. are u mature or immature?
immature! than i can find excuses for my mistakes mar.
34. are u an only child?
35.where do u go shopping?
no preferences.. but don't want places which sells imitation goods.
36. do u like your school?
who said I'm schooling?
37. do u like books?
can lar... but not those sweet romance girl-boy live happily ever after ones... prefer that they turn into zombies!
38. do u want to get married?
of coz... and i want 3 kids too!
49. to whom?
a good cook!
50. what are you listenin to now?
the alibaba song..
51. are you a homosexual?
52. are you proud to be one?
53. have a crush on anyone now?
nope! coz not only a crush!
54. what will you do if someone say that he like you and would like to jio you?
54. what will you do if someone say that she like you and would like to jio you?
eh... see first... normally I will act dumb... than persuade my friends to form a human shield...
( that is if I don't like her lar )
55. what do you think of people who masturbate?
it is a sin! but hey, what is Jesus for than?
From Yuhan's ( a.ka. Yayali. )
I AM: someone who u wouldn't want to be with when the world ends
I WANT: laughter, peace and freedom
I WISH: for alot of things
I HATE: my upperstudy, the BSO, fish!
I MISS: being able to sleep till early afternoon.
I FEAR: losing the sense of touch.
I HEAR: the fan blades spinning
I WONDER: why is the world round..
I REGRET: doing stuff
I AM NOT: a person u want to be when the world ends.
I DANCE: very badly
I SING: very badly
I CRY: while cutting onions
I AM NOT ALWAYS: cheerful
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: vulgar signs! *laughs*
I WRITE: with my left. play with my right.
I CONFUSE: others when I teach?
I NEED: to get out of army!
I SHOULD: learn to love?
I START: to finish
I FINISH: to start
I LOVE: to sleep
I REMEMBER: everything!