Wednesday, May 31, 2006
turn left, turn right
Not 3 seconds after I passed my camp's gate this morning, I received a call from heng. Apparantly he is suppose to set up some stuff but he is not in camp, so I have to do it for him. What are friends for right?OC 'conviniently' brought me along to recce the grounds for the coming exercise today. He said that I have to know the route to the various key positions which I have to send the rations to during the exercise. However, the problem is, I lost track on where to go after the 6th one:
which means that most probably, my tonner won't reach it's destination since I'm the Vehicle - Com... I should have told him that my navigation skills is close to 0. All I hope is that I won't be caught by the agressor can liaoz~!
and also, while recce-ing the area in search for a suitable place to set up the HQ, we came upon 3 puppies trapped in a drain. So sad! Terry ( also the one who asked OC if I have to go recce ) called the SPCA for help but we managed to get them out before SPCA arrived.
At the end of everything, Terry asked the rest of us, if we know the moral of the story. To which, I answered : It is dangerous to play in drains? ( quite typical of me lar )
Than I got scolded stupid!
But I have to highlight that his "moral of the story" is quite far-fetched one. It has something to do with not going around to f*** to much, than later give birth leh, don't want to look after the babies.
Tomorrow is also going to one hell of a busy day.
Leonard, my upper-study, who so happens to be the in-charge will be on off. ( he has been taking off on thursday and fridays for the past few weeks )
Encik wants everything to be done by tomorrow and who is left to do that?
what bullshyt!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Indonesia quake toll over 5,100

JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- The death toll from a major earthquake in Indonesia has risen to more than 5,100, officials said as aid began to trickle in to help 6,500 seriously injured and thousands more left homeless.
The quake, which struck in the early morning close to the former Javanese royal capital of Yogyakarta, has so far killed 5,136 people, wounded nearly 6,504 and left 100,000 homeless, according to the country's Social Affairs Ministry.
Heavy rain added to the misery Monday as grieving survivors scavenged for food in the debris of their houses. Rescuers are being hampered by rain, power outages and the closure of a local airport.
Meanwhile, the country's president has acknowledged a "lack of coordination" in efforts to help those near the epicenter of Saturday's quake on the densely-populated island of Java.
Slammed by some critics as being too slow to act in past disasters, Yudhoyono spent the first night after the quake sleeping in a tent along with survivors and moved his office to Yogyakarta to keep an eye on relief efforts, AP reported.
Hospitals have been overwhelmed by the injured --- 2,192 of the 4,000 hurt are seriously wounded --- and medical workers fear tens of thousands of injured may not be receiving adequate treatment.
Many people have been reluctant to enter hospitals because they fear structural damage from aftershocks. Since the quake struck before dawn on Saturday, there have been 450 aftershocks.
those who wishes to donate, please access the following site:
and for your reading pleasure....
Ring of fire
Indonesia sits on the Asia Pacific's so-called "ring of fire," marked by heavy volcanic and tectonic activity. Scientists are worried about the impact of the quake on Mount Merapi, which experts and villagers have watched closely in the past few weeks.
The nearby volcano has been rumbling for weeks, spewing out lava and hot gases.
On Monday the mountain spit out lava and hot clouds, sending debris four kilometers (2.5 miles) down its sides.
Since Saturday's quake, the volcano has spewed hot clouds an average of 150 times a day, compared to 50 times before, Subandriyo, chief of the Merapi volcanology and monitoring office who goes by one name, told AP.
Many aid workers anticipating a major eruption were stationed in the region, and they shifted their attention to helping earthquake survivors. Relief teams who remained in the area following the massive 2004 tsunami helped as well.
On Sunday, two strong earthquakes were reported in the Pacific, a 6.2-magnitude quake in Papua New Guinea and a 6.7-magnitude quake in Tonga.
The earthquake is the worst disaster in Indonesia since the December 26, 2004, magnitude-9 earthquake that triggered a tsunami, killing at least 131,029 people in Indonesia alone.
Another earthquake on March 28, 2005 killed about 900 people off the western coast of Sumatra.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
it's a sad and rainy day....
Haiz.. haiz.. haiz.. haiz.. haiz..anywayz, early afternoon went to vienna international buffet to eat. it is kind of a late late mother's day celebration for my maternal grandma. The food there isn't that great ( or maybe it's because i have no appetite ), the price however, is very de ex! hahahaha. not i pay so never mind. the total bill is S$ 500.09!!! my 1 month ns pay! pathetic!
and that isn't the reason why i'm sad......
at the void deck back home, my mom suddenly made a comment.
"your shoulders quite broad but too bad your butt very small"
was very stunned by her lor. wat the! firstly, my shoulders aren't broad. secondly, i'm not competing with J.Lo! and Lastly, why is she staring at my butt? lolx
and that isn't the reason why i'm sad......
tomorrow, there's this career fair held for those who are going to ORD from my camp ( practically everyone ), and guess who have to prepare ( not set up ) all the things required?
and that isn't the reason why i'm sad......
p.s: and the person who can make me happy please stand up!
p.p.s: and those who need buffet cathering, please ask me! i got lobanG!
Friday, May 26, 2006
The weekend is finally here!Phew! Another week off to my ORD! yeah! Have been given half-day off for the past to days. So shioK. wahahaha...
The new specialists came to my coy for their Unit Induction Programme on thursday. All of them look so guai4 lan3. First day arrive than got complained already. Was told that they walked around the camp without greeting any of the officers or master sergeants. But can't blame them, they just gotten thier rank mar.. so abit over confident about themselves. ( I swear that I wasn't like that )
My brother got his results for the first semester today ( friday ). The teacher wasn't really happy with his results, therefore, they require my mom to go down for a parent-teacher meeting. Was told by my younger bro that they ( his teacher and my mom ) spent more time discussing about me than on his results. Why did this happen?! kaoz! And I thought I've already escaped from my teacher's evil clutches. And to top everything, my bro left his whole bag in the class. Stupid rite? How can anyone forget to bring his school bag home de?
1 more week to my out field exercise but i still haven't finalize the ration indent.
11 more days to my birthday! wahahaa. Last year, my birthday fell on the day I pass out from BMT! This year, I am stuck in an excercise. Haiz! But keep the cards and presents coming hor!!
p.s: They are new air-conditioning units in my coy office! And the OC lifted the ban on using the internet com. yeah!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Story Behind the Big S O..
I recieved the gift of knowledge which I have been ( more or less ) expecting today.I will not be celebrating my birthday and my sis's de on the actual day.
Today, like any other day, was crappy. There's alot of new information floating around. Have to prepare this, have to loan that out, have to update this and that. Was told that I'll be included in Exercise Tiger Strike. The excersize spans over 5 days. From the 4th of June till the 8th. So sad.
However, I'm not alone. Another sgt from the coy will also be celebrating his birthday in the excersize. He was born on 5th June 1985.
Had to ask the BSO to sign some things again. ( Samson Mighty Smiling Ranger! E.S Mode )
Felt kind of bad after that, because he was actually very nice today.
A new spec came in today! Signal Line Specialist. I pity him cause he'll be working directly under the BSO. Than all the rest started telling the new guy about the on-goings of the coy. Most of them highlighting how he is going to suffer to be under the BSO. Than heard from them that he ( the BSO ) was always scolded when he is outfield. ( @ tt pt was feeling 2 X guilt ) Than they added that there was once his men refuse to do anything for him. So bad was that incident that he had to literally beg the men to at least give him some answer. wow! imagine a Full LTA begging lance cpls! ( @ this pt, felt 3 X guilt + 2 X pity )
so sad. I promise that I'll be nicer to the BSO from today onwards. not!
p.s: Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a hectic day.!
In memory of Mr Wong
I received one sad news today. One of my secondary school friends told me that Mr Wong, a teacher from my Sec school passed away on sunday night due to a heart attack.Was quite shocked about the news because I just saw him on saturday morning on my way back home from camp. I can still remember he was wearing what colour socks and polo-shirt. Strange right?
The sad thing is that he just retired last year. Barely a year after retirement.
I told my mom about Mr Wong. She was also very shocked and a little sad. Coz Mr Wong started teaching when my mom was still in school.
Sad day.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Singapore Idol!
Guess who I saw on Singapore Idol?Yes! Mr Leow! That over-passionate Maths teacher from JJC! But fear not, he isn't the one participating. The person who participated was Yi Hao from the Students Council! The shot of him is pretty short, like 2-3 seconds of mindless jumping ( coz he got through the first audition ). And I also sae this humongous guy jumping with them ( whom I automatically assume is apple ).
Anywayz, good luck to him in the competition.
And here is some food that I recommend to all people!
The Ritz Apple Strudel !

They are available in 5 different flavours: Strawberry, blueberry, durain, peach and mango.
I highly recommend the strawberry flavour cos it not only looks more appetizing than the others but taste-wise, is better too!

This is the Strudel Halk. It's about the size of a small toaster.
The Strudel Full, is about the length of my forearm pluz hand! Wahahaha
Sunday, May 21, 2006
The Principals of Living
I had another driving lesson today! And I'm proud to say that now, I can vertical park leh! Wahahaha! Went through a new route today too! The route very the chim. There is this junction unlike the ones I've been driving pass! wahaha! but I still managed to finish the lesson without kissing into another car! However, there was this one occassion when I'm trying to change lane so as to turn right at the next traffic light. But the damn car don't want to give way! Bugger super inconsiderate. I hope the driver kana a punctured tire!I've been reading this book titled: Jesus and the Goddess. Inside the book, there's this paragraph that I wanna share with everyone who is free ( and have nothing better to do in their lives ) enough to come read my rantings!
For the Original Christians, The 'Gospel' or 'good news' is not a story written in a book. Rather, they taught that: 'The Gospel is the Gnosis.' The good news is that a complete transformation of consciousness is possible. The good news is that there is a way to transcend suffering. The good news is that there is a natural state of happiness which is our birthright. This is the gospel of absolute freedom. It is not a set of rules which WE must follow to become 'good'. It is about discovering our own essential nature, which is good already, so that we can live spontaneously. This gospel holds out the extraordinary promise that those who understand it 'will not taste death'. But immortality is not access to Heaven as reward for living an upright life. It is the immediate realization, here and now, of our true identity, which was never born so can never die.
haha.. chim bah.. go figure... ^-^
I'm going to watch Singapore Idol now le! And I'm gonna keep that "It is not a set of rules which we must follow to beomce good", they are being themselves! Laugh all you want! wahahahaha...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
for everyone who are still watching pokemon, have a look at this video!
and please thank God that you didn't turn out like this...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
5 SIR ORD Function
Yesternite was the ORD function. Before I start re-counting the events of the night, let be first thank all my judgement and lucky stars that I brought an extra set of shirt to the function, for if not, I'll be in the same colour as my "beloved" BSO.The evening started with me being late ( as usual ) but no damage was done since every one was still trying to get inside the ballroom when I arrived. Hmmm, I have nothing to talk about leh. The rest of the evening is a blur. I guess I'll let the pictures ( and short clips ) explain the events!
Kardel Oldman Sharpeye. he is so lousy and it's not due to my skills!
p.s: my dad's smoking again. Time to slam the door.

This was basically the only decoration in the ballroom. The lighting was good cept when one is trying to read.

These are the highlight of the function! Wahaha!!

Another photo of the event. The first part consist of all 10 girls out on stage.....

Followed by some hot sizzling twosome!

Than they begin to focus on a single female.....

And the stage is hers alone

One of the other highlights of the function. Apparantly, it's called the Dentists Chair. Idea taken from some adult clubs....

Another pic of the Dentist's Chair.

And when you thought the stripping was over. There comes another surprise. Male Strippers.
The guy on the right ( in pink stripes) He was my company's ex-OC. Yesterday was my first time meeting him. And when they say first impressions last.......

this was me with Abdulla, fellow CQ ( but B Coy de )

Fahmi and me. This was taken with his camera
and for those who wants to have a look at the male and female strippers ( live )
click on the following links:
The Female Strippers:¤t=MOV00995.flv
And the Male Strippers:¤t=MOV01009.flv
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
i think i'm coming down with....
flu. my shoulders ache, my nose is blocked, i'm tired the whole day even though i didn't do anything "shiong".there's this ORD function held at the Mariott hotel tomorrow. this event is for the 12th mono-intake of 5 SIR ( my unit ), people who have slaved for the army and are currently preparing to receive their pink i/c. apparantly, i don't belong to that group but still, i have to pay the S$100 for the function and attend it. *haiz*
imagine the many happy faces! the brilliant smiles! the wonderful,cheerful atmosphere. and also the 5 gloomy faces, hundering at one dark corner of the room, listening to repeated "ORD LOR!". damn.
and the dumb thing is, the day after the ORD function, there'll be an inspection of those people involve in Alert Amber! My name is not included. But I still have to be inspected.
and on friday, I'll be performing my first COS duty ( Company Orderly Sergeant ).
life doesn't get any suckier!
Monday, May 15, 2006
the ways of living... my living!
for the past year, i've been gathering information and opinions to decide where to go from now. all the answers to my queries differ. some answers are expected, other's a surprise. there are also few which causes a bigger effect than the others. *e.s*whenever i feel sad, i'll give the people around me the e.s. the smile which i assume, everyone hates. but that's my way of telling people, "hey! my spirit is currently not at home!"
anyways, it's my path and it's time i start putting myself right smack at the front of the queue! move aside Humphrey! there's a new kid who will make a stand against bigotry with bigotry!
but still, sleeping is the best short term remedy to negative behaviour.
p.s: i'll gorge out the eyes of all who stands in my way!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I think that this is my third post for the day. That's quite a record I'm setting. hahaAnywayz, I was reading through my previous entries when suddenly, this tune hit me. Initially, couldn't figure out what song it is but than while I was preparing myself for the night's slumber. The title of the song hit me. loLx! and that song title is: Journey to the Past! haha..
Went to youtube to try my luck for I would not get a good night sleep without listening to the song! The video is crappy, the music quality is bad. But it brought back the memories of my secondary school play! Haha!
Journey to the Past:
This is Aaliiya performing the song live
The one from the movie ( i prefer this )
And there is
Once Upon A December:
As it is in Heaven ~ Gabriella's Song
Gabriella’s song Det är nu som livet är mitt
Now life belongs to me
Jag har fått en stund här på jorden
I’ve been given a moment here on earth
Och min längtan har fört mig hit
And my longing has brought me here;
Det jag saknat och det jag fått
What I’ve missed and what I’ve recieved
Det är ändå vägen jag valt
This is still the road I’ve chosen
En förtröstan långt bortom orden
A confidence far behind words
Som har visat en liten bit
That has shown a little
bitav den himmel jag aldrig nått
Of the heaven I’ve never reached
Jag vill känna att jag lever
I want to feel that I’m alive
All den tid jag har
All the time I have
Ska jag leva som jag vill
I will live my life
Jag vill känna att jag lever
I want to feel that I’m alive
Veta att jag räcker till
Know that I am good enought
Jag har aldrig glömt vem jag var
I have never forgotten who I was
Jag har bara låtit det sova
I have only hidden it well
Kanske hade jag inget val
Maybe I didn’t have a choice
Bara viljan att finnas kvar
Only the will to exist
Jag vill leva lycklig
I want to live happily
För att jag är jag
Because I am
IKunna vara strakt och fri
Be able to be strong and free
Se hur natten går mot dag
To see how the night turns into day
Jag är här och mitt liv är bara mitt
I am here and my life is only mine
Och den himmel jag trodde fanns
And the heaven I thought existed
Ska jag hitta där någonstans
I will find there somewhere
Jag vill känna att jag levt mitt liv
I want to feel that I’ve lived my life
whisper it far far away
I did a recent check on the scientific terms of the phobia I have and came upon this particular article. just gonna share it with you people....*breast implants*
1997 Silicone Implants Are Dangerous
For many years, Dow Corning conducted experiments on silicone breast implants. Dow found that the implants leak and rupture, spreading silicone throughout the body(1). They learned that the silicone in the implants kills roaches(2), is not biologically inert(3), and stimulates a human immune response(4). Tragically. Dow kept this science hidden.
In recent years, however, a host of articles have been published in scientific journals pointing to the negative health effects of silicone breast implants. A Canadian study found that 40% of implants leak or rupture after six years. And 95% leak or rupture after 12 years(5). Other studies are finding a rupture rate after 10 years of 70%(6). A Mayo Clinic study found that 25% of women require surgery within five years after implantation(7). A report in the Archives of Dermatology shows the unmistakable link between local pain, numbness and deformity and deposits of silicone that had migrated from a ruptured implant(8). It has also been documented that silicone leaks from women's nipples(9).
A 1996 Harvard study found a 24% increase in connective tissue disease, both classical and atypical, for women with breast implants(10). A 1997 report in The Lancet found an abnormal immune response in women with silicone implants(11). A University of Michigan study found women with implants had three times the risk of developing an unusual connective tissue disease(12). Other studies have documented that silicone provokes an immune reaction in humans and animals(13).
The Dow public relations machine has led many people to believe that implants have been proven safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is abundant scientific evidence confirming that thousands of women are suffering the effects of faulty, broken, dangerous silicone implants.
For many years Dow Corning conductedexperiments on silicone breast implants. Dow found that the implants leak and rupture, spreading silicone throughout the body. They learned that the silicone in the implants kills roaches, is not biologically inert, and stimulates a human immune response. Tragically, Dow kept this science hidden.
and that is some news you'll find useful if you're thinking of getting implants! lolx. Not that I know anyone who ever gave it a serious thought~
And something perculiar happened yesterday. Went out with error ( those who knows knows. for those who don't, it is to your benefit *grinz* ). Quite a unexpected thing because I didn't really expect myself to agree to it in the first place. So here comes the details.
13 May
two+ pm:
error started to send me songs. than suggested to go out after knowing that I'm gonna bum at home on a saturday night. told him that I wanted to buy something for the M Dae. Decided to go to bugis to shop.
five+ pm: as usual he is late. Went to Sim Lim to get his micro SD card for his phone, which btw, is clearly an attempt by BenQ to imitate one of Sony Erricssions models. 4 different shops gave diff. prices. the cheapest being 83 bucks n the most ex one, 160 !
six-seven pm: went to look for my M Dae prezzie. Nothing in mind. just went around and repeatedly telling the *assholic and polite* salespeople: just browsing.
seven+ pm: Decided to get my Mum a Jamie Oliver Cook BooK! Went to pastamania to have dinner. During dinner, error tried to explain to me his working hours and stuff around that area. I tried my best to absorb ( and adsorb ) all the info. But nothing goes in and stay permanently these days.
eight+ pm: After dinner, decided to tag along with him to play DOTA with his fairyland friends. ( that is after being offered to options, the first being go play ARCADE and the 2nd DOTA )
the rest is history!
p.s: This is a crappy post.
p.p.s: Bryan is re-taking his A's this year! I wish him the success of the brown wolf in Roadrunner!
p.p.p.s: I also found a new Maple khaki ( is this how you spell it? ) yesterday!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I woke up this afternoon with my outer back portion ( don't know what's the scientific term ) aching like hell. Adriel was right. Muscles are retarded!Life has been boring for me. I spent my whole wednesday in camp sleeping. For there is less than 10 people in my coy that day. And I am done with my work. Halfway through the afternoon, I came to realise why people AWOL. I was so bored in camp that I felt like booking out just like that. Lolx! But I still endured the monotonous afternoon and booked out to enjoy my long weekend without any tugs at my conscious *smilez*
Went out with my family on Vesak Day..... Blah blah blah... I really don't know what to write about that. Oh! The duck porridge at the mountain top is V.Nice! But a tat too expensive.
The Acceptance letter for NTU/NIE is still sitting on my table unsigned. I must start telling myself that it is impossible for me to get into either NUS or NTU leh. haiz!
I'll sign it tomrrow.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The past few weeks have been hectic for me. Alot of long due paper work that my kind upperstudy manage to avoid. Paper work that I have to do for him while he sleeps in his bed. Ass! I shouldn't had been so nice when RQ wanted to give him SOL!Anywayz, as of today, I did managed to complete most of the Daily 5 Items check ( for the past 4 months ). All that's left for me to do is to find the CDO ( Coy Duty Officer ) Lta Royce and let him sign the papers.
The rest of the work, I'll leave it to my "beloved" upperstudy to prepare. Stuff like drafting up the hand over form and the disposal of a few items that he promised Marcus. I'm going to draw a line between work he should be doing and my share of work. For since the day I went into Support, I've been picking up his slack.
The coy is pretty empty now, with the bulk of the people performing thier POI duties. The rest of those remaining will probably be unconcious for the days to come. Better still, nobody to bother me.
Went back to JJ last friday. Supposedly to meet at the cafe but the place is closed by the time we got there ( and I was looking forward for a free cup of coffee blend ). So we ended up in the club room stealing photographs which Mer said will be used for extortion in the future. Then went to Westmall via Mr Tay's Car ( after we shamelessly called him on the phone and asked for free transportation ). Had dinner at BaliThai than slacked at Coffeee Bean where we came up with a christian name for yuhan, now known as Lily. ^0^y
The next day, met the same few people at Orchard. Louis also tagged along for this trip! haha.. The plan for the day is for me to start my retail therapy. I specifically wanted to buy a pair to swimming trunks. So I have to come out with a great, accident proof plan to seperate the guys from the girls. Went to NUM to look see look see but found thier trunks extremely bright! Than went to TAKA to have a look. Went through a long tedious decision making period to find the one I wanted. However, the sales lady said the size I want is not available and agreed to the comment that I made. That is should look in the kids section. lolZ!
Anywayz, after my retail therapy, went down to Clarke Quay to have dinner at Brewerkz.. I ordered this BBQ Combo Set which consists mashed potatoes, BBQ chicken and BBQ ribs and a mug of this very awful tasting beer to go along with the set. The ribs was good. The chicken was dry. The potatoes was nice. The beer was like I said, awful. Along are some photos that we took. Most of them are of MEr, Yuhan and Adel. Haha...

Top right hand corner. That's my drink!

At last! The food has arrived!

Focus on the empty mug! I managed to finish everything!

Louis, Adriel And Me!

Lily And Adel~

Mer, Lily And Adel

Aftermath of Louis' Alcoholic Stampede~
Monday, May 01, 2006
Short Entry
Tomorrow is back to my worthless life in army. Army stinks, especially after a long weekend.ciaoz~
p.s: Go watch this if you haven't...
Iran's Nuclear Proposals....

I'm sure that everyone have heard of Iran's latest interest in developing Nuclear Power not for war ( atom bombs ) but for concern over the shortage of readily available electricity to the public. I just read this article regarding the latest developments of the on going project. Here's something that i got off the article...
TEHRAN : Iran is battling to head off international action following its refusal to halt its disputed nuclear drive, promising "maximum cooperation" if it manages to avoid the UN Security Council.
Foreign ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi nevertheless warned that any step towards sanctions would meet with tough retaliation from the Islamic republic, which is suspected of using an atomic energy drive as a cover for weapons development. "
We have said that we are ready to solve the questions through dialogue. If the IAEA and the Security Council commit for the case to remain at the IAEA, we are ready for maximum cooperation," Asefi told reporters Sunday.
"But if they take radical measures, we will take measures as a consequence. If their decisions are reasonable, ours will be too. If their decisions are radical, ours will be too," he warned.
On Friday the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed Iran had not complied with a Security Council demand to freeze enrichment -- which makes civilian reactor fuel but can also be extended to make the explosive core of an atom bomb.
Personally, I don't know why these people are so interested in something that could possibly end like the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster. It's not like they do not know the harms that minor leaks can cause. No scientist all in the world did declare that they have found a safe way to conduct Nuclear Expereiments, let alone build a Nuclear Reactor.
Given any circumstances, the rules of the IAEA shouldn't be waved off. The UN must put a stop to the developments of this research immediately. Otherwise, other countries might follow in the foot steps of their nuclear predecessor.
First, there was South Korea, who conducted nuclear researches and experiments in the 1980s and not declaring it till in 2000. ( from what I rememeber )
Now comes Iran who is interested in extending its generating power houses to involve nuclear power. I wonder who will be next. China?
Do you know?
The "Doomsday Clock", a symbol of nuclear danger since 1947, currently stand at seven minutes to midnight. The Clock has been moved 18 times since it's inception in 1947 and that the last time it was moved was in February 27, 2002.