Monday, March 27, 2006
The Tammy Story Version 2.0
In an attempt to finish all 13 episodes of my lastest anime download before I report to camp, I slept at 3 am. This resulted in a very tired brain and drooping eyelids. Stupid mEToday is my first day officially reporting to camp! I reached at 1 p.m! Attended the first parade. Got informed that the last parade is at 2 p.m. Stupid army!
On my way to camp, met a fellow support coy mate. Learnt from him that the recent ghost movie ( the one circulating around ) captured on a handphone by army personnel, was in fact, from my unit. *dotz*
This is the second case of "lost handphone - contents being circulated on the net" incident ever since I came back from Thailand. And the sad thing is, the owner of the phone, got fined S$500.00. yes! Sad case...
Than came in the conversation between my upperstudy and some other HQ people..
HQ Person 1: Hey! You got delete that movie that we made or not? Later you lose your phone we die leh!!
Leonard: No, haven't deleted lar... oh ya hor, ( drawing experience from the previous 2 incidents ) , i think i better delete! *fumbles out handphone only to realise that he didn't bring his Nokia N70.*
** At this point of time, I'm still thinking that they also caught a pontianak on film **
HQ Person 2: Hahahah! Later become Tammy Version 2.0
** obviously, I was wrong **
Me: huh? * gave a queer look at leonard *
Leonard: You don't know what we're talking about right? Nevermind!!
HQ Person 1: Don't lose it leh! Later we become famous overnight! Got those moves cannot realise de! * performs a obscene gesture invovling one hand and a finger *
HQ Person 3: Haha, if kanna caught, will not be fined for just $500, this one counted as obscenity!
Me: continues to consume my Nasi Lemak...
And if the above incident isn't enough to brighten my day... there's always the "I hit you once, You hit me once, I hit you once, you hit me once, I hit you once......" incident..
As usual, my upperstudy is involved... I shan't explain what happen... you should know by the title of the event...
Now, I'm seriously wondering if me being stuck in the toilet was all planned... hmmmm
p.s: Can all those who have blogs leave their blog webbie here... I wanna link to you guys lar!!!
p.p.s: Is it rude to laugh at people's stupidity? Because currently, I'm trying myself not to drop tears of laughter whenever I see my upperstudy...
p.p.p.s: Attach is a image of who I think my upperstudy looks like...

Saturday, March 25, 2006
The stupid door
My unit is more dangerous than I thought.This time, my short journey ( after navigating several confusing bends ) to the toilet is unexpectedly longer than I initially assumed it would be. For "normal" users of the toilet, visiting the restroom is as easy a task as walking to the cook house.
1) You open the door,
2) You enter the toilet.
3) Finish whatever you have to do
4) Wash your hands !!!!
5) You open the door and ....
6) ... than you exit the toilet.
Simple procedures rite?
So here's me on that fateful afternoon...
1) I walked towards the toilet
2) opened the squeeky door
3) * 88888888 *
4) Washed my hands
5) Walked towards the toilet door...
6) ... only to realise that there is no handle! YES! No HANDLE!
so there i was, stuck in the toilet that I'll most probably have to use for the next 10 months.
You should imagine the horrors that ran through my head at that moment!
Images of Tom Hanks stuck on that island flashed through my head.. than creativity got hold of those images...
Next few pictures might be unsuitable for weak-minded viewers....

have to go... to be continued...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Firstly, here is something new to me~
The burning of our beloved Prime Minister! Woah~
I knew that Thailand-ers has always hated the Singapore Government for buying over the shares of telecoms shares. But this is the first time I've seen the picture of Mr Lee being burnt!
I know it is wrong, but I find this image alittle amusing~
Arghz, today is the end of my 2 weeks off! Dang! Poor me must report back to camp tomorrow leh. Goodbye my freedom, however short-lived you may be!
And I found out that my Maid has a BOYFRIEND! Oh gosh! And that guy is a Bangalah worker in Singapore! Lolx! Creepy...
I chanced upon them on my way to the Post Office. Imagine how shocked I was when both of them walking together. =X
Okay, need to sleep leh...
p.s: Merina, the DVD will be delivered to you the next time we meet at the charge of S$3.00.
Please indicate the number of days you want to rent it for in Form 1234 ( a.k.a R-Form )
Rental Fees will be as follows:
1 Day: S$1.00
2-3 Days: S$3.00
3-7 Days: S$4.00
1 Month: S$29.90
More than 1 Month: S$35.00
For late returns, S$1.00 will be charged for every (1) day after the due date.
Thank you and We appreciate your business. =)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
House of Wax... what?
As of today, I finished every single episode of Gilmore Girls Season 1. Yeah, even the special features! And also the 3 DVDs that I bought yesterday. House of Wax, Just Like Heaven and Chicken Little.And also, I'm a CPL liao~
Initially, I wanted to type my movie reviews for House of Wax and Just Like Heaven de. But the idea got lost sometime between the death of Jared Padalecki and the impalment of Paris Hilton's character. Okay... maybe one review...
The whole movie revolves around town with a building made of wax, ( thus the Movie Title ) and it's very interesting residents. So you see, these 6 friends ( 2 of which acted in Gilmore girls, Jared Padalecki and Chad Michael Murray to be exact) were heading towards this fabulous baseball game when this "bright", black guy ( no pun intended ) decided to take a shortcut so as to reach their destination earlier.
Now, if you think that they are going to find this "shortcut" really short without any road blocks or whatever, it is obvious that you haven't seen enough horror flicks, BECAUSE that never happens. Unless the movie is like 6 minutes long or it is a road show.
Fast-forwarding, the 6 friends found themselves camping out in a eerie and SMELLY place, which is once again, typical of a horror flick. Blah, blah, blah. Spoilt NEW car which boy refuses to leave behind, sexy female lead whom the killer video taped ...
**I'm not referring to Paris Hilton, to side-track a little, she is maybe the worst supporting actress I've ever seen! You should have seen me dancing around in my kilt the moment she died in the movie. Heavens! The only reason why she has a reality TV show, A Simple Life, is probably due to the fact that all the producers and directers in the world knows that she cannot act for nuts! That's why they came out with the whole reality TV conspiracy to cover up her ass ( which every male in the world have had seen at least once ). Yes! I bet that A Simple Life, initially was a movie. But, after around 10 of the directors went to the asylum for reported Temporary Directing Disorder. I quote" Paris Hilton is a woman of questionable values." Well you know the rest**
... and my Dad's smoking again. I can smell it from my room! God! Please wave that arm and remove cigarettes from the face of Earth...
back to topic. I don't have any mood to type any more.. hmmm strange thing, I just had the strangest conversation with my mom.
Anywayz, Paris Hilton deserves to die. Jared Padalecki deserves to die, and I pretty sure that almost all the males on Earth thinks that Robert Ri'Chard deserves to die. So now, we are left with Jon Abrahams. No, he didn't really deserve to die but I guess he has to since if you notice, horror movies normally ends with only 2 people alive. Typical..
I guess the best part of the film must be the scenes around the end of the moive. Yesh! I'm talking about the whole wax house burning down. There's this "welcome to hell" theme going on, I bet! Really! If you focus on all the views, especially when they film it from the top, you see fire everywhere! The scene could easily pass as something from Constantine! I love that one. Okay, maybe that's the only scene I which I find interesting. And oh, there's also the part where Bo ( or is it Vincient ) went slipping into the melted floor, like he's being sucked into the depths of hell, which by the way, is totally appropriate, judging from the number of people he killed.
This movie is worth 2.5 Almond Jellies out of 5!
Reason: It's got everything that a horror movie has to offer. But just not enough content and violence to seperate itself from other horror flicks. Except of course, Paris Hilton. She is a horror herself.
p.s: Sorry to be blasting Paris Hilton. I guess that I need to give her some credit for her superb acting in " 1 Night in Paris" co-starring Rick Salommon.
p.p.s: I think Paris Hilton will love to be wax-terized. Than she wouldn't have to worry about showing her good side to the camera, thinking of words to use except "WADEVA", shaving her legs, earn for a living, oh! and deciding which movie to be in so she could terrorize the audiences with her lack of acting skills. ( okay the last one is from me )
p.p.s: My mom started comparing me with the chnl 8, 9 o' clock show's blind girl. Saying how independent that person was.. I told her that it IS a television programme, that is how people are suppose to behave, either super good or super bad. blah blah blah... But she chose to ignore my comments and continued to talk about how lazy I am, reminding me that today is thursday ( yesh i know how to read a calender, thank you ) and implying that I'm wasting my life away... blah blah blah... seriously, parents still do that now? I guess the Be A Good Kid Trend is not popular anymore. Well, I suppose she's expecting me to run away from home someday with a pregnant girl in tow. Than she can happily say: Well, that's my boy.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Coded? Maybe... Maybe Not~
Well, I spent the whole day playing a game I've already completed. After which, I was suddenly bombarded by alot of questions.. from who? don't know~ It just appeared in my head..So, ya... the whole thing..hmmmm.. but than there's always the.. ya... than when is it going to happen? hmmmmm than they will ....... but again, It's all about doing that..... or maybe not... it's a surprise.. or is it?
And there's also ...... hmmmm and than ya.... and where the hell am .......... to ......... ya...
Maybe, ....... not suppose to happen...... what's that sitting on my table? hmmmmmm.....
Somehow....... maybe........ hey look a shooting star>> wait.... it's an airplane..... Happen ........... but .........
receNtly saw something...... eh..... wow! Nice T-Shirt!!!!.... I think I saw at least 5 other people wearing it..... my bad..... no more battery leh.... have to recharge.......
oh... ya.... almost............ sleepyhead....... xia xue's a bitch.......... everyone's saying that!.......
Finally...... maybe....... never.................................... . . .. . . .
It's really shocking how much trash I can write....
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Stuck between Choices...
Okay, this entry was formed almost immediately after I woke up. Yeah! I haven't even brushed my teeth! But I assure you reader, that I will do that immediately after I am done with this.So, how was Thailand. That's the question that I'm asked the most ever since I came back on Sunday. Ya. I know that it is the most sensible thing to ask since I was flown there by the SAF in the middle of the night ( KIDNAP! ) and thrown into a camp where I worked like a slave for one whole month. With toilets where human waste floating everywhere, with food that dissolves your appetite, with a over-demanding, instruction spewing RSM, hmmm.. what was the question again? Oh ya... Thailand is fine.
And also, there's one other retarded question *drumrolling* "Hey, come back from Thailand leh ar?" YOU IDIOTS! If I weren't back from Thailand, TELL ME WHO IS THIS HANDSOME AND CHARMING GUY STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU! * peace*
However, why I'm bastarding about the "welcome home question" is because of just one simple reason. Why didn't they have more t0-date opening statements? Statements like: " OIe, (hushing tone) have you watched the Video?" or "You know about the new porn star of Singapore?" RLOL!
* and no, I didn't dream about tammy*
Anywayz, just to bore everyone out there.....
I went back to camp on Monday Morning ( when I'm suppose to be on OFF ) after receiving a notice that all CQs and CQs understudies have to return for a meeting with S4. Woke up at 7am, rushed to camp, realise that S4 will not be late ( as usual ) and also that my informant, ain't coming because his alarm didn't ring... Ass! The meeting lasted for .. say 20 minutes? And than, I was hit with the news that I will be understudying Leonard, the CQ for Support Coy! Double ASS! Why? Over at thailand, he smoked me when he is returning combat rations! And now I have to understudy him! What's more, Support Coy is the most troublesome Coy in the unit! Unlike the rest of the rifle coy which stick to a single training programme, support coy have 5 different platoons in it, all with different training schedule! Oh Gosh! what's worse, Leonard stays in WestCoast ( I knew this due to the common, which bus are you taking question ) which means that there's a 50-50 percent that I will be stuck on the same bus with him for at least 30 mins, with no topic to talk about except for maybe, work related subjects. Oh and maybe why he smoked me in Thailand...
The next day was the Brigade Anniversary. It is also the day where I took the wrong MRT route and only realising it half and hour later. The Celebration was held at Pasir Ris. Which is on the opposite side from where I live. The Celebration was simple ( which is a Good Thing since it means that everything will end quickly ) and stupid ( which is not surprising since SAF isn't known to have very intelligent employees ). Went to catch a movie after that. My bad! I thought that the movie will only last for 2 hours! But it went on for another extra hour! All your bad for not waiting for me to arrive before ordering ( and finishing your food )! Lolx!
Anywayz, while walking pass Giodano, I saw something I like on the advertisement. The Slippers that the model is wearing! I told Mer and gang about the slippers, trying to describe to them about it andscanning their feet to see if they are wearing anything resembling the ones I saw. Guess what, Yuhan is wearing a look-a-like design. Only on further investigation did I ( all of us ) realise that both ( hers and the ones I saw )are identicals, the only difference being the colour. Now comes the troubling part. So should I someday, buy that slipper? SAME DESIGN LEH!!! Hmmm...Maybe I can disfigure her's using the methods or scratching OR burning OR carving. Or Maybe even Cutting and Tearing. I mean, I'm sure that she doesn't want to be caught wearing the same footwear as me. Well, I guess that will solve both our problems!
Than there's also a sad story about my "daughters'" friend's mother. But I don't think I wanna talk about it here. I don't like to increase traffic to my blog by prodding at someone else's wound.
I have to end here. The feeling of not brushing my teeth when a toilet, not overflowing with human waste, is not more than ten steps away is creeping me out.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sleepy sleepy sleep
Back in Singapore! Finally! Fresh Air, Clean Toilets, Warm Water, Cool Weather! I cannot believe how much I miss this country! And the best of all! Air-conditioning!Right after the day from my last entry, the internet connection at the camp in Thailand went dead of a month! Freaking ass. Unrealiable connection! Sheez... I do not know what to write leh..
everything's a blank!
Maybe it's due to the fact that I still haven't slept since I touched down. Ya! Must be that...
Just recieved a phone call from another fellow CQ. All CQs are to report back in camp tomorrow at 9 am for a meeting. Understudies included! What the Hell! I guess its off to bed for me~
I read my tag... it IS not a mistake. Read the side note ( I'm A Gemini ) . Might change it later, not now. I don't have the energy to * click click click * change it now. So I'll let you guys laugh at it for a few more days bah...