Sunday, February 05, 2006
And so it begins inThailand...
Oh gosh! Yesh! You are reading your another blog entry by the great staticidiot!!Fortunatly, there's such a thing called the Internet Service Provider in the camp I'm currently held in! ( I'm a prisoner to my country ) However, such a luxury do comeat a priceof 40 baht an hour of internet surfing, which is equivalent to less than 2 Singapore Dollars. Totally Cool~
Alot of things here are FREAKING CHEAP! For e.g, the ice-cream here cost only 35 baht and I'm not talking about those MacDonald's 50 cents ice-cream. What I'm talking about here, is the delicious ice-cream sundaes, comprising of 3 scoops of freezing cold coffee-flavoured ( for the butterscotch ) anda banana spilt is only 50 baht!! Where in Singapore can you find a shop that beats the price here! ( which is one reason why I'm gorging down yet another scoop while typing this entry )
However, one thing very bad ( and onimous ) about this place is that there is not one, but two she-males/ he-females/ human-stuck-between-the-great-gender-divide. I wish that I could stop calling them disgusting since it will be too evil for a Singaporean serving National Service ( with a strong aura of innocence surrounding him ) but if one were to see them in person every single day, for the next 26 days or so, one will post probably end up like say, one of them?
Last thing before I complete this entry, someone please make sure that my MapleAccount don't get banned or whatever thing~
p.s: The names are Lulu and Jenny~
Thursday, February 02, 2006
My Mother Had A Dream...
My mom claimed that she had a dream last night. One can call it a bad dream or a nightmare because the dream is not about Strawberry Shortcake playing with her rabbit friends. It is about me in Thailand, with a fellow friend/colleuge.The main character of the dream,however, is my friend *gasps* and not me... Yupz!! She said she saw my friend getting beaten to death... and I'm like beside him.. so ya~ A Dream? A Premenition? Up to one to wonder... Still, she wanted me to go to the Pandan Temple to pray before I fly over... I went! Okay~?
Anywayz, on a happier note, I decided not to bring my Nano overseas.. Reason being, I think that there aren't any computers in the Thailand camp for me to charge my Nano. And yes, I-Pods can only be charged via USB ports on coms. So there you have it, a piece of information which you might not know. Furthermore, I am not a hundred percent sure that I will be able to prevent my Nano from being scratched.. so I'll rather not take the risk. And if something were to happen to me there, well, at least nobody will have to air-frieght the nano back~
*Everybody knows how fragile items are handled in Airports. The transporters ( those people transferring your stuff from the plane to the conveyor belt ) will still dump your belongings like they are handling rubbish, no matter how big your **Handle with Care! Fragile Items Inside** sticker is!*
Less than 5 hours to me leaving the island I called home for 19 whole years of my life, to the last place on Earth that I currently want to be. Speaking of the evil land, did anyone notice those advertisements on buses with a slogan that goes like this: From January to December, won't you want to be in Thailand??
I seriously think that God has no sense of humour.
MapleSEA sucks!

And here's my new babey~
Sleek, Black and iPodded!
Look Mum! A Geisha!! A Geisha!!!
Somebody!! Anyone!! Get Sayuri a bottle of Loreal Anti-Dandruff shampoo!!!***Spoiler Alert***
Unless you've already watched the film or yearning for me to spoil it for you, DO NOT read on...
***Spoiler Alert***
As you have guessed, I've just watch the highly criticized film, Memoirs of a Geisha. It is a film about a small, young beautiful girl named Chiyo, being sold to a Okiya ( a Geisha House ) due to her HONOURED father's decision. The whole story revolves around that little girl with eyes of rain, who will one day become one of the most celebrated Geisha in Japan. There are many obstacles that the young Chiyo have to face. Namely, the evil bitch Hatsumomo ( played by Gong Li ), surviving falling off rooftops, and last but not least, learning how to stop a man in his tracks with just one glance.
I find the movie too DRAMA( and not to mention irrational ). Eels in Caves? Please! If Geisha Mamas will use thier fingers to pry for body fluids in the you-know-where regions, won't they be using a more vulgar language altogether? And what do you call spermatozoa in this case? Eel Vomit?
Also there's this part whereby the Baron wanted Sayuri to change Kimonos. There's this one sentence that he said: I just want to see! Like what the kids in I Not Stupid Too always say, Lame! Tell me where on Earth is there a guy perverted and desperate enough to force women to strip and than just shout: I just wanna see!! *roll eyes* and leave after seeing! This is retarded!
Do I have to mention the dance?
Frankly speaking, I'll rather Chiyo not grow up.
On a more personal count,
I also want to be a Geisha! Do not get me wrong! The word 'Gei' stands for ART in Japanese! And the word Geisha means a Practioner of the Arts! However, for me, I wanna be the Practioner of the Magical Arts! So if there is no difference between the two, than Harry Potter is a Geisha too! Than the witch can be Hatsumomo and the fairy godmothers, Mameha. Kirrthana can be a Maiko, since she's studying Arts and Social Science!
I mean, being the top Geisha in Singapore can't be that hard! All I have to do is to
1) Wear coloured contact lenses
2) cry by the Causeway and wait for a handsome and young Lady to stop and buy be melted Chocolate.
3)Smear some chocolate on my lips and say : Look! I'm a Geisha!
4) Take off with her change in a handkerchief with her initials on it and run to Si Ma Lu, ( making sure that I do not use the money to buy rice Or fish OR melted chocolate for a month )
5) Ring a Bell
6) and pray that the Radio will broadcast something saying: Adolf Hitler is our Friend!!
Opps! I forgot! There's also the part where I have to stop a person in his/her track with a glance! Now that's difficult for if I were to do that, I'll either end up in a hospital with bruises and cuts on my face OR stuck in a police station after being reported for harrasment.
But after overcoming every single obstacles and becoming the top Geisha in Singapore, I must remember one thing..
This is not the Memoirs of a Emperor. This is not the Memoirs of a King.
This is the Memoirs of another kind..
An Idiot...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I'm not Racist, I just dislike wierd people...
I still can't believe that I'll be going to flying off to Thailand in less than 48 hours.All of a sudden, there appears in my over-grown brain, so many things to do before I volunteer myself to the excruciating torture ( physical and mental ) of indenting onions. Stuff like:
1) unlocking every single character in the game Naruto 2
2) buying an new i-pOd nanO
3) telling all my friends I will miss them and demanding not less than a hundred people waiting at the airport on the day and time of my return from my trip to the Netherworld.
4) cutting my fingernails
5) double, no triple, no quadruple check that I'm actually going t o Thailand for 1 month
6) prepare a will incase I did not manage to return back to the soil where I'm born...
7) Attain at least a Lvl 60!
8) Eat my breakfast
9) Watch a movie before I disappear...
So many things, so little time....
People ! When I come back to Singapore, please kindly update me on all the things that had changed in the one month that i'm gone. Stuff like a new expressway, or maybe a new version of I-pOd, or maybe the release of Kingdom Hearts 2 and Final Fantasy 12, or maybe the holy union between yuhan and Elywin ( i manage to spell it out correctly ya? ).. this is gonna be a long, cold month for me...