Sunday, January 29, 2006
Today is Chinese New Year, yesterday was the Eve...
As all can see, I've changed my blogskin ( finally ). I like this skin alot. It's simple, green, and I just like it. However, there's a major problem with this. Namely, you cannot view previous entries in this blogskin. If you were to click on the archives, it'll direct you to the older blogskin which I created ( the ugly one ). So if anyone out there who reads this knows how to solve this irritation, please let me know.Before I start rattling about how sucky and lifeless my life is, here's something for everyone:
Happy Chinese New Year! May all have A Happy Year Ahead.
This year's Chinese New Year was very boring. Monotonous, I think, is the word to describe this festive occassion. I'm bored to death. The usual interrogations started without any warning.
"Wei She Me Mei You Dai Nu Peng You Lai?"
"Ni Jin She Me Da Xue?"
etc, etc, etc
Why can't they say something nice to start a new year? Stuff like
"Wo Yao Gei Ni Qian"
"Ni Xu Yao She Mei Mah? Wo Mai Ge Ni"
Met my maternal side cousins today. They are tall and broad shouldered. I think, I might have to change my new year resolution abit...
Monday, January 16, 2006
If you smell harder, you'll realise that Smoke is actually all around...
Just when I should be transforming my uniform into a Smart-4, I'm hit by the blogging bug.But I have nothing to talk about.. sheez~
/find topic
(1) topic/s found...
My unit 5 SIR, is horrendous. Seriously! It's so bad it will cause me to develope lung cancer in the next few months! Almost every single person there smokes!! Arghz! This is so very bad. I don't smoke. Please! And I don't like people to smoke when they are within 10 metres radius. And I hate to become a passive smoker by inhaling the yucky air they breathe out. And I am very sure that I do not appreciate the fact that they smoke in the living quarters! ( aka bunks )..
*So here's a conversation between Abdullah and Me
Please note that the following conversation is partly fictatious and partly true. please read with an open mind and don't come kill me in the early morning. One death in the neighbourhood is an isolated crime. 2 will make it a serial chain...*
Abdullah with that shocked facial expression:
Sia lar, they smoke in the bunk and in the tonner leh... cannot tahan..
Ya lor, If this continues, I bet I'll get lung cancer before I ORD.
Hahaha! Yalor, same here. I think I'll do better smelling my own armpit.
*at this point of time, he lifts his left arm and smelled his armpit*
Me with weird expression:
You think can ask them to go out and smoke or not?
You think they will meh?
Ya hor, they are lcps, we private only.
Yesh! We haven't promote yet mar. What's more, they will be our men. If they go on strike, we confirm die one.
Abdullah nodding:
True true.
Me with a very serious tone:
But if I kana lung cancer, I'll make sure I will charge every single one of them! Not to mention, compensation from whatever source there is~
I really have nothing to blog...
p.s: Back to becoming lifeless.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
It finally ended...
Today is officially, the last day of my 4 month course. And I'm feeling very blue now. I finnally got my hands on the Sentosa photos but I don't think that I will be posting them in here tonight.Early in the morning, as usual ( in these dark, cold days ) it rained again. And of course, I took a taxi from Sembawang MRT to the camp. But guess what, about 45 seconds after I reached the comfort of the taxi stand, I saw something green from the corner of my eye. Out of curiosity, I turned my dumb head. And I regretted. It was the one of the few people from my Juz-Normal-Assholes friend's catorgory. How a fantastic way to start ya? "Yuan Jia Lu Zai" !!It took approximately 5 minutes for the next taxi to come, ( and that is 5 minutes of silence between both of us ) and throughout that long 5 minutes which felt like hours, there was an intense battle inside me head.
To let him get into the cab with me or not. Coz, if the next taxi doesn't come immediately, there will be a high chance that he will be late ( that's the YEAH point of my dark side.. muahahah ). I hate myself......
Took the taxi back to STC, with him and one other person who was suppose to report to Sembawang Air Base ( mine is Sembawang Camp ). So yeah! I sat infront since IT's MY CAB ( roars with dignity ) yupz, silence again. Than upon arriving, I paid the uncle the full cab fair, he paid the other guy who is continuing the ride to the Air Base, got out of the vehicle, and went different ways ( technically, coz he got of from the right and me from the left. ) I still hate him for insulting my parents....
The end of course video, done by Tee and Gang was superb. However, the people who put the video were very evil. I mean, there's this person who owes afew people in the class $$$. Than, in the video, there was this picture showing that person's face with a sentence which says: "And remember to clear your debts before the New Year ." Everyone got one copy of it, except Brina, since she claimed that she recieved an empty disc. Oh well, too bad I guess Xp !
Anywayz, I managed to survived through the whole day without killing / hurting anyone, so that's a good thing. But on some occasions, I unconciously corrected some mistakes in spoken Grammer,
e.g Him: "I think he go there"
Me: " Went"
and only to realised that is was spoken by the guy I took that taxi with. Ouch!
Here's something worth mentioning. I totally thrashed Teng Ho at KOF! Woah! Athena rox! And than there's Johnny the Pastor who kept getting arrowed by Andrew today. Last Day = Payback Day bah.
And the last event that happened today, haiz, is the theft of a CPU harddisk. Sianz. All the peopel involved in the Deco team ( including me ) and also those doing the video have to write a statement to support some investigation. SAF stuff although cheap contains alot of confidential secrets. Oh great! All 11 of us may have to return to camp one day to help out with the investigation. Yeah! That means half a day off my duty as a CQMS! ^^
Going back to 5 SIR tomorrow. Hope that it will be a fine and happy day. Helps take away the sadness that always comes with departures!
p.s : We Serve With Passion
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
STC School Annual Dinner
Today was finally the Dining-In. Since the course started, I hoped that it will never come to an end. That I'll be in this course for as long as possible. For there is one saying which goes like this :Endings are sad. Partings even worse. Saying goodbye to friends and love ones will contain heart breaking moments. That's why, endings are sad.
=.=" lame shyt =.="
Haiz~ I'm really, really sad that the course is gonna end. All the trainees of this current course will be posted to their own inidividual unit. For some, maybe never seeing one another ever again. I really enjoyed the company of people like Fabian and Elben. Those 2 are like the joker of the class. Ass-ho-lic at times but still jokers.
Than there was the time during SOL when Transport and Supply Trainees worked together for the first time. Fun~ Tiring but fun.
Than there was also the moments when a group of us will talk about Maple like there's no tomorrow. Discussing the best way to earn alittle $$$ from the game. About how lousy some people are. And also how quickly I leveled in 1 week.
Anywayz, I managed to smuggle my Camera into the camp and took some shots without getting caught. So here goes:

This is Hong Gay. His name is like a replacement for alot of words. E.g: "What the Hong Gay are you doing?"

The future Logisticians of 5 SIR!
From Left: Travers, Heng, Abdulla and Me~

Me with the Transport Supervisor, Khaw. He said that the lighting isn't good, so....

We took another one without the sky behind us ~.~"

Us Eating, See the food on the table?
From Left: Wing Yu ( the half face one ), Fabian ( he can't see straight ), Tai On and Eugene ( aka SilverAzion )

The food. Buffet lar..

This is Weasly, looks like pervert right? I think he is one... undercover de..

Me and Desmond ( aka Psyduck of Pokemon )... the thing we're eating, is the nicest food in the buffet~

I don't know who took this... But that's Tee, one of my syndicate member

Syndicate 3~
Clockwise: Zamir, Me, Brina, Johnny, Tee, Hong Geh, Char and KC

Syndicate 3 once more~

Me and my pet Monkey... stuck together for 13 years leh.. sianzified.. lucky never go same unit!

The 2 main person in the photo are Vaji and Me~ The 2 standing at the side are Isnady and Mahin the Black~

From Left: Teng Ho, Hong Gay, Mahinm, Vaji, KC and Me~

That's Aunite Cecelia Chin and Me...

Me and Eugene

Last but not least: Andrew and Me~
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I cut my finger today..
I did the dumbest thing today.I inserted the MultiMediaCard of my phone into the slot which says MMC, and my card got stuck inside. Assholic~ Horrified!! My gosh!! In the end, I have to open up the CPU to extract the bloody chip. And in the process, I cut my finger on those silver thin soft metal parts. Dam!
Tomorrow will be the Anuual Dinner. It stinks. Formal wear. Tie. Long Sleave Shirt. Leather Shoes. Pants. OMGosh! and it will be in the hall.. no air conditioning. Worst thing, we cannot wear the dining in clothing to camp and instead, every trainee have to be in Smart 4...
Oh no, I'm complaining again~
oh why bother~
Sunday, January 08, 2006
The Chio Bu of the TV~
Just a few minutes ago, I was browsing through the website, blogskins, trying to fufil one of my NYR 06, when I came upon this picture. Gosh! BIG CHIO BU!! Alexis Brendell!! My god she is hot! =p
Anywayz, in just a few days time, I'm finally going to complete my CQ course. Arghz! All the slacking time will be over. For the past few days, I've been squeezing my brains ( and it is already small to begin with ) trying to figure out how to decorate a hall with only $200 dollars ( credit form ). Imagine, banner, decorations, blah blah blah.. how to? And to add to the frustration, there's my Syndicate IC Brina Boon, and one of my "beloved" syndicate member, Johnny, who keeps asking me, "so this one can or not?" and "this one put here like that right?" For heavens sake, one of them is the In-Charge and she keeps asking can or not can or not.. the other. Let's stop here. Continuing might result in God not loving me anymore. =.=" <--( see! Stress until got eye bags leh )
Still haven't decide what to wear for the Annual Dinner bloody-assholic-ceremony. Formal Attire! Where on earth am I suppose to get a formal attire free? Hmm, the only one I have, is the one I wear to Fullerton to work! lolx~ Guess I have to buy one leh. Ooossh!! Shopping anyone? hahaha, should be able to get one cheap one at G2000 right? Right! ( answering my own question, I guess I must be going nuts. )
Driving Lesson later! Raining now means slippery road later. People living near Bukit Gombak, beware of a Learning Drivers!
p.s: 394 days to ORD!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The 10 Things
The time now is 1.53a.m. Thursday. Morning. And I am still awake writing this entry. Today's entry, well, as judged from the title, is about 10 things. What 10 things you might ask? There are just so many possible events that could have happened in the year 2005 which I am referring to when I said The 10 things. Maybe, I should have re-named this entry as the 10 events. Or manbe the 10 incidents. Or how about the 10 most regretful event/thing/incident that happened last year. I think I'll still stick with The 10 Things as the title. And yupz, this is the first entry of the year 2006. Woah! This being the first entry, and I just have to write about some unhappy past events. How wonderful. Hmmmm, at least I'm not going to do a write-up on what happened on the previous episode of Grey's Anatomy~ Anywayz, here goes, starting from the least regretable of the top 10 things to the most :The 10th,
This year, we got back our A Level results. Well, my results, are A-A-A... ya right.. nope. My results are B-C-D and a B4 for GP. Whenever my friends in Army ask me how did I fare in the Exams and after I told them my results, their reaction will be like :" Okay lar, not bad mar. Actually is average result lar. Confirm can get into University one lar.." But the truth is, with my kind of grades, it is hard to get into the course that I want. So for this part, I'm regretting that I did not study ( or mug ) hard enough for my A's.
The 9th,
As all of you reading this blog should know, ( with the exception of those who are unlucky enough to come upon my blog ) I started serving the Nation, My Beloved Country, SingapooooorrRRREEEEEE last year April. No, I'm not regretting that I am born with the male anatomy. But I'm regretful for not being "Garang or Wayang" in my 9 weeks in BMT. I regretted being super duper heck care/slack one corner during the whole 9 weeks, always blaming my slack-ness on the deadly and contagious virus called the NSD ( National Service Disease ) which reduces all forms of intelligence, initiative and, and .. erm.. and some other positive traits from all lifeforms. Or else, there is this slight chance that I might get into OCS, and not into SISpec, where I went out-of-course and blah blah blah.. Anywayz, that was the 9th for you.
The 8th,
I regretted not learning to drive as soon as possible, a.k.a, during the period of time after the A's.
The 7th,
I know that I'm not the best of the best of the best of friend that everyone wants. Neither am I the Best of the Worst lot of friends that anyone have. And I do regret that, on certain occasions, I am too lazy to go out to meet my friends/classmates/ colleages/ whoever-else-who-falls-in-this-catogory. But, one thing I must clarify, I am always telling the truth when I say I cannot make it or that I am not feeling well. When I don't want to go just because I don't feel like going, I have never come out with excuses on not turning up. Like there was this one time..... long story lar. Anyway, I regretted not spending more time with my friends~
The 6th,
I regretted on the many occassions, when I could have said something to help others but didn't. That I am very sorry.
The 5th,
I am very sorry for all the nasty things that I incidentally/indirectly/unintentionally implied on certain people. That I am again, very sorry.
The 4th,
Erm, well, I kind of regret being a prince of sarcasm ( is it spelt this way?) and not learning that there are different types of people with very different levels of tolerance when it comes to corny-ism.
The 3rd,
Sheez, well. Ya. I regretted not asking a certain person out to well you know, for well you know, and now the person got a well, you know. Ya~
The 2nd,
I am very very disappointed with myself, for not keeping a promise to a certain someone~
And finally the 1st,
I regretted killing a once-above-average-friendship ( not single-handedly since both parties are at fault ) and leaving it as it is till now~( and I think till the end of my life ) For the people in STC, they s~h~o~u~l~d know ( not too sure ) about this lar.. since.. well.. I was very mad, he was very mad.. well... all those who maple should know.. *shrugs*
So yup, there you have it, the top 10 things that I regretted in the year 2005.
Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you will ever regret
~ Ambrose Bierce