Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Year 2006
In about a few minutes time, the year 2005 will pass and everyone in the world will be welcoming the new year of 2006. Fireworks will fly, microphones will amplify the countdown shouts of celebrities, people will start jumping and dancing and of cos, the unforgetable Auld Lang Syne will be sung by almost every other being that is spending thier time in churches. And I will be here, in my room, typing to the beat of Kelly Clarkson's Gone and trying enormously hard to sound like I'm a finalist for Singapore Idol 2006.Seriously, after all the celebrations, countdowns and numerous hung overs experienced by not-s0-pro-drinkers-acting-as-though-they-are-the God (or Goddess ) -of-Alcohol, who will remember the Greek astronomer Hipparchus, who contributed to the basis of Atronomy and Trigonometry, and Julius Caeser, ( not for his pro-homo stunts ) for subtracting 63 days from the calender to bring the equinoxes back to their traditional dates . There are many many others, who pried, questioned and altered the calender to give us what we have now, an accutate and widely used Gregorian Calendar. But who is there to appreciate the hard work of some dead personal ya?
All these information leads to my next question, why on Earth on I stuck here in my room when everybody else is partying like there's no tomorrow... hmm.. but truth is, they are partying because they are welcoming 2006 which is the day after today.. sorry.. where was I? Yes, why am I in this room? I myself have not the answer ~
Anywayz, today's aim, my last goal for the year * gasps*, is to come out with my New Year Resolution! Yeah, baby~ Yeah yeah~ Ice ice baby Xp Starting first, will be the definition of Resolution. In this statement, New Year Resolution, the word means, a promise to oneself to perform something, say to kill someone? Or maybe to come out with a cure for AIDs?
So here's mine..
StaticIdiot's New Year Resolution!!! :
1) I must not complain, to my friends, about how much National Service sucks ( even though is does ) and leave the complaing to other NSmen.
2) I must be nice to everyone around me, even if that person is in my list of "To-Kill" list.
3) I must work on my Entertainment Smile a.k.a the E.S.
4) I must get a body similar to Issac.
5) Inorder to achieve NYR 4, I must first grow taller, have a twin brother and have Sharon Au as my cousin.
6) I must not watch X-rated stuff. ( and that includes Happy Tree Friends )
7) I must try to raise all my ranked "Enemy" friends to the Rank " Just Normal Assholes "
8) I must memorize all my friends birthday and send them a message, wishing them Happy Birthday, along with my Date of Birthday and a wishlist.
9) I must get my driving license.
10) I must find a "steady arh" by next year, so at least, there is someone whom I can be mean
to and complain about NS.
11) I shall re-vamp my blog skin 3 times in the year 2006.
12) I must not block or delete people from my Handphone, MSN, friendster, or from the whatever devices that link them to me.
13) I shall not defame good people.
14) I must get more than $300.00 from my Red-Packets during Chinese New Year 2006
15) I must continue not to gamble, drink or smoke.
16) I must not criticize people even if they are at wrong, and let them die an evil man.
17) I will try my best to let everyone have my autograph once I get famous.
18) I must finish this list before 2006 starts.
19) I must make sure that my life aren't wasted like 2005
and finally...
20) I must seriously come up with a better, more reliable and achievable New Year Resolution next year.
Happy New Year~
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The One with the Ultimate Ending!
I've never, ever, for once in my life, quarrelled with someone till this level before!It's not like the disagreements that I have with Kiwi, or is it the way how Ben Chan and I poke fun at each other. Neither is it the cold silence that Bryan and I have. This time, there was fire, fire and lotsa fire! I can guarantee that... GRENADES, MATADOR, DAGGERS, YOU NAME IT, I CAN GUARANTEE IT!
I know that Christmas is coming, and that we should be really nice to everyone BUT the only thing I will wish for this Christmas, is to see his face down on a BIG, ENNORMOUS, HUMONGOUS PILE OF DOG POO. OH WAIT, MAYBE, HE CAN JUST HIT HIMSELF WITH SOMETHING BIG AND HARD. NEVER-ENDING, MINDLESS HITTING WILL SUIT HIM ALOT!
p.s: This entry is not to DEFAME in anyway, directly or indirectly, anybody. This entry is purely for expressing how pissed off I am for those who insult my parents.
Monday, December 19, 2005
The One with the almost Accident..
Kaoz~ Today is the day where I'll be safest at home!!!Went for Driving in the morning, bad thing to do... Almost lang ga.. so sianz... I think I'm gonna be banned from the road for 10 years... oh wait.. 20... nah! 50 years lar.. so that by the time I am release, I'll be too old to drive.
In game, I found alot of things today. Haha.. so happy!!
Seriously, I think I am so gonna die a loner!
p.s: Sentosa, here I come!!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
The One with the Photos

Here's Xiao Han the Goldfish~ Candid!

Jas, Xiao Han and Wan Jing ^^

Me, Guo Xiong and Chun How

My arms are too short...

Teng Ho's arms aren't any longer...

The 2 other classmates who went to UWA with me ~ ( Me with Spastic look )

Without Spastic look.. haha

I tried taking photographs.. first shot..

2nd shot...

3rd shot...

Yeah! At last..

That's Yong Kang, Thousand handed Slimming God

Samsudin + Me shot 1

Samsudin + Me Shot 2

Jas and Wan Jing^^

Yah, that's Kenneth Saw Kok Seng... aka Mr Saw... sianz!

Me and Wan Jing ^^

Alicia, Teng Ho, Me and LiJun

Group Shot 1

Group Shot 2
Monday, December 12, 2005
The One with the Gathering
So happy to meet all my old, secondary school friends on yesternite ( Saturday ) at the BBQ. Everybody still looks the same. Nobody are missing any limps or what so ever, which is a very good thing already. I think that the one who changed the most will be Yong Kang. Haha. . He really slimmed down alot. And also, he went for some surgery to remove the mole on his cheek, resulting in a very big crater. Lolx..THan there were the people from other classes. Shi Yuan is still as kuai lan. But the way in which he kuai lan, still very funny.
This time round, I never whack all the food. My first hotdog, after the first bite, dropped onto the floor. My second hotdog, after 2 bites, dropped onto the freaking floor. After which, I gave up eating hot dogs. I think I only ate 3 carb sticks and afew mashmallows nia. And some chips. Pathetic leh...
And than there was the photo taking.. Took me so long to figure out a way to take pictures with erhmmm.. The last photo to be taken is with erhmmm.. lolx... than there was the usual shyt thingy about Mr and Mrs Saw.. freaking hell.. 3 years liao leh.. still won't let me off... kaoz~
Anywayz, I'll try to get the photos from my sis and post them here.. but for now, I'll put alittle pictures ( very few ) up first..
p.s: Out field in 3 days time.. sianz
Saturday, December 10, 2005
The One with the Flaming Thunderbolt!
oh fark fark fark fark..Now I know why magic is so wonderful. Not only can you kill evil monsters, wash plates effortless, heal countless people, but you can also shred the person you hate most with just a swing and a boom. How convinient?
Some poeple are just complete ass holes.
The End.
p.s: A meteor? Flying Knives? Poison? Oh well, let's just castrate him.