Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The One with the Awww..
Staticidiot is very sad.Apart from having to constantly be aware if any guy is stalking him, he also have to try out many ways to go OOC again..
Staticidiot kept dying in his MapalStory game even when he is like invincible now. What crap..
Basically, staticidiot does not know what to write today.. maybe it's because of the fact that someone beat him to jump down a block of flats. Or maybe it's because when he flung himself onto a road, the cars did not run over him but instead, slowed down and ask where he wants to go. Or maybe its because his attempts to bite his tongue only results in very painful gums and lots of ulcers. Or maybe it's because when he tries to miss his steps and fall down but instead landed on a bloody soft and comfortable sofa.
All in all, Staticidiot is feeling very down...
Sunday, September 25, 2005
As promised the photos of Adriel's & Adeline's birthday. Courtesy from Adeline's newly cracked Camera..
The Before Cake

The Lighted Cake

Adriel and Adeline~

Here's Adriel doing the blowing and Adeline doing the slicing~

The Shitty Looking Cake after Yuhan tries to cut it~

A-Dri-El's birthdae prezzie. It's a carplate costing us only S$20!

A Drive Thru Sign ( for those who can't see in the dark. -.-" )

We tried ordering but the staff there were either slacking in one corner or just refuse to entertain us

The Infamous Shoe Photograph

The Star of David~ Nice right!!

Us at the back of Yuhan's Mom's Car~
The One with the Drive Through~
Hey Hey Hey, Staticidiot is back from yet another outing with his friends~Went out to celebrate Adriel's and Adeline's birthday on Saturday. What's different about this celebration is that Yuhan drove Staticidiot and Goons there!!! Can't believe Staticidiot is still in one living piece.. The driver's skills are mediocre. However, her navigation skills are close to a toddler.
This time, there's a new addition to the idiotic bunch. Yupz, that's Yuhan's latest boyfriend, Elwin!!! LOLz~ ( it's really her lastest boyfriend hor ). Don't really know the actual spelling but Staticidiot thinks that Elwin is like the closest to the actual pronounced name. Anywayz, went to Zhen Fa Huo Hai Sian to have dinner. Not bad a place, only thing is that the place is very crowded and Staticidiot thinks that the service that stinks! Thankfully, there isn't any Cloth Spinning Aunties or Adriel will be like drooling over her~ *phew* And Staticidiot cannot believe that his bunch of idiotic friends actually cooked live prawns again!! Someone please call SPCA!!
After the meal, went to the nearby arcade. Elwin was so pro in catching the soft toys! ( to the extent that Mer, Adriel and Staticidiot were thinking if that was the way he gets girlfriend ) He caught one on his first try!! Either his super lucky or his skills are like this high!!!
Went to look for Adeline after that in Geylang Serai. She was at this ritual at Malay Village. Okay, she just went there as a spectator, witnessing all the possesion of the performers by Horse Spirits. The ritual was kind of cool though I only got to witness the ending part of the performance. My Gosh! The possessed guy got whipped and beaten up. So Sadistic. So very entertaining and interesting. But what Staticidiot don't get is why Horse Spirits?
After the performance, went to West Coast MacDonald's to cut the cake. ( that is after all of the 6 people present squeezed into the car ) Took quite a number of dumb photos over there and there is also the Shoes photo that Staticidiot and Goons always take. The Finger Star is also one of the more beautiful ones. Will post the photos asap.
For now, Staticidiot will like to ask the general public to comment on a image and rate it.
p.s: Someone stop yuhan from saying stupid things~
p.p.s: Staticidiot is very sad for he just found out something very very sad~
Friday, September 23, 2005
The One with the Stalker?
Seriously, I don't know if God placed an enormous invisible magnet/rod floating over my head which attracts all but the right people to me~For this entry, Staticidiot is back to using normal language.
Today, I receieved the weirdest message in my life.
Was attending the bloody, boring lecture about how to indent onions when a sms beepped in...
Bloody Asshole:
Which course are you in now?
Erm, Supply Supervisor course lar, erm.. who are you ar?
Bloody Asshole:
Don't worry who I am, what what course ?
( At this point of time, I was thinking that it might be one of my friends back in Tekong )
Who are you ar? What what course ? ( I thought he didn't understand my previous msg )
Bloody Asshole:
I'm want to be your fren, I am willing to do anything for you...
Me ( thinking wat the hell ):
Lol, Whats your name ar? Coz my teacher taught me not to talk to strangers leh.. haha.. ( at this point of time, I still thought maybe that my "fren" is playing a fool )
Bloody Asshole:
Erm, Mike lar. I want you to be mine fren ( he spelt it like that lar ).. I can help in when you need help, anything you want me to be I can...
( Summoning all my brain cells to find out if I had a fren called mike, which is nope, I showed the Monkey, Teng Ho sitting beside me the messages )
You know anyone called mike meh?
No leh, unless its short for Michael lar.. but that Michael is so annoying in Secondary school leh..
If I'm you I'll be Ganning ( Farking ) him already.. hate this kind of messages the most..
..::Returning my phone::..
Really ar? Anything ar? ( already skimming leh )
Bloody Asshole:
Yes. I want you to be mine fren.. I can do anything for you...
Okay lor, but tell me how you know me coz I think you got the wrong person...
Bloody Asshole:
No rite person.. ( Kind of don't understand this coz of the missing punctuation )
Okay, but you still haven't answer my question..
Bloody Asshole:
What question? *repeats all the doing anything stuff*
How you know me and get this phone no.?
Bloody Asshole:
I saw you when you were exchanging your camp pass...
..:: OMGosh!!! That bloody farker actually is a farking, slimy stalker!!! Showed the message to Monkey and a fellow female trainee ::..
Monkey: If I'm you, I fark him already ( not literally but over the phone )
Fellow Female Trainee: Eeee, here got Gay one.. Army got Gay one meh?
Me: I think so bah ( coz I remembered the FORUM )... Kaoz~ Why is all this always happening to me?
Monkey: Coz your 11B ( my NS IC ) looks like Cha Bo wat..
Fellow Female Trainee: Huh? Really meh?
Me: Where got!!?? ( took out my 11B to show her )
..:: Back in the Lecture Room::..
I think your handphone got message, coz got vibration..
Bloody Asshole:
You want to talk on the phone now?
No thanks, having Lecture ( I don't know why my manners stick to me till now coz I should be like " Fark no!! )
Bloody Asshole:
Than you want to meet up later? I want to meet you..
..:: Conversation with MOnkey::..
Monkey: Hey, I think you should inform the course administrator... you never delete the message rite?
Me: Erm.. Don't think so bah... ( Checks ) Fark, I deleted the important ones...
Monkey: You forever super Kork one leh..
After some thinking through my current situation....
Me: You think I should tell? Coz he saw my 11B leh, means he knows my address and all leh..
Monkey: Ya hor, he is in the Dark, you on the other hand, is in the Light ( Direct Translation from Mandarin )
Me: See lar, if he continues, than I might inform the Sergeants lar..
Monkey: Haha, okay.. But hor he is in this camp leh, somemore like that most prob, he is in Guard Room, means he will see you book in book out...
p.s: Will Keep Posting... At least until something bad happens to me...
Monday, September 19, 2005
The One with the Dissappointment
Staticidiot is very dissappointed..Anywayz, continuing from the previous entry, the movie The Longest Yard aren't that great a movie. Staticidiot will give it Almond Jellies. Went from Ceni to Far East just to have desserts. But it was worth it. Chippy's Fried Mars Bar with A generous scoop of ice-cream ( vanilla and chocolate flavours to choose from ) is absolutely worth the whole $2.95. The chocolate syrup melts into every single bite of the Mars bar.. It's something like chocolate heaven, yet without the feeling that a person will get ( sore throat ) from eating too much chocolates. However, Staticidiot thinks that the wait for the dessert is not worth it for a person will practically have to wait for close to 15 minutes just to get his/her food. Every single order of Fried Mars Bar is prepared seperately, that is to say, they fryer can only fry one person serving of Fried Mars Bar a time. And if anyone is planning to buy in bulk, bring a book along.
Back to the title for today, Staticidiot is very dissappointed. He just found out today that the course he is attending is not a fully stay out course. Only the first 2 weeks are stay out. The rest of the 3 and a half months are mostly stay-in. How wonderful. Staticidiot reported for duty today at ~ 7.45a.m. and waited till 9.30a.m before all he is directed to a lecture room to have his first course opening. The lecture room is cold, unfriendly and very pink!! Staticidiot wonders why will the Singapore Arms Forces paint a room pink, buy pink lecture chairs and have pink carpets. Although he agrees to the fact that the SAF is pretty much a screwed up organization, he never would have guessed that there are feminine in nature too. Staticidiot thinks that the only 2 trainees feeling so blessed to be in the pink room is the 2 female trainees. Staticidiot is very dissappointed...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
The One with the No Time~
Staticidiot has 10 minutes to key in today's entry, before he have to leave the comfortable space infront of his computer to watch the next 2 episodes ( or so ) of Interview with a Vampire 3 ( the chinese version ).Anywayz, today was suppose to be Sentosa day. Staticidiot and his bunch of goons were suppose to be mutating their skin cells under the sun at Siloso Beach. However, the early morning rain quenched all their trip. In the end, the bunch of goons went to town to spend a little portion of their lives inhaling exhaust fumes from vehicles, which either helps to relieve stress for students having a major exam the next day or people who just want to perish from this world die faster. In any case, Staticidiot and goons went to town with no clear objective today. So as the train reached Somerset Station, the 4 of them did the most normal thing that a bunch of goons will do. They did: Oh-Ya-Bei-Ya-Som. Winner to decide where to alight. After twirling around in Heerens to wait for the Queen of the Cows to arrive ( after her violin lesson ), they decided to watch the movie The Longest Yard.
The movie isn't that fantastic to begin with. The name itself represents a movie that resolves around a record-breaking larn-yard. ( at least Staticidiot have had that impression ) However, after watching the movie ( and exhausting all of Staticidiot's abilty to laugh )... this is where the entry ends... To be continued~
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The One with the Dedication
Staticidiot has decided to type in the 3rd person for the next few entries on this blog. He has finally manage to get radio.blog to work on his blogspot. But that is after spending close to a whole day figuring out how the dumb program works. For a programming idiot like him, it will be a miracle if he figured the tunings of the html scripts. Now, staticidiot is trying to use the same FTP client to set up a web-page that serves as a blog too. Which means that it will probably take him about one gazillion years before anyone will see the background of the web.Staticidiot is currently having a conversation with one of the most obnoxious horse in the whole of Singapore, not to mention smartest, since no horse in history( or any animal closely resembling a horse ) has ever attended classes/lectures or turtorials at a Junior College. ( except for maybe the school cat. But that is not so much the focus of this entry ) Somehow, thanks to a freak accident ( irony? ) which left Staticidiot the ability to communicate with even the wildest animals on planet Earth ( say a cow ) , he managed to survive almost 2 years in school while pursuing a higher understanding of the human anatomy. Why is it you may ask? The reason is the simplest of the simple. Because his class is 03S2, is also known as the Class of the Animals.
Firstly, with no need of any introduction, there is huda the horse. This female, long face EQUUS CABALLUS has a temper which is responsible for the past few earthquakes in Mount Saint Helens Area, Washington. After making continuous neighing with no audible end ( or in simple words that a normal human mind will understand, a big fuss ), there is no wonder why she is the reason why Staticidiot have to write this entry. Like everything on Earth who cannot be truly good or evil ( except God and Saturn ) she also have her good points. She does bring good food from her home ( which is located at the famous Singapore Polo Club ) although this blessed event is as few as cockles in a S$0.50 Fried Kwee Tiao.
Next up will be Hafizah the Toad. There isn't any doubt that this toad is the horniest of the horny. As the saying goes, to be horny as a Toad is to be Hafizah. There are times when this toad actually effectively controls her hormornes. However, as soon as her Oestrogen Levels goes beyong a certain, she starts harrassing the other male animals in the class, for e.g Jin Hua the pimply Cat or Bryan the wide-eyed Bull, whom by the way aren't magnificent creatures. For this toad, her dream to become Ecko the Prince's wife is the only thread that is restraining her from raping the country's entire male population. ( and that includes the tortises in Jurong Lake )
After introducing 2 of the animal population of 03S2, Staticidiot realised that he had not yet introduced himself to the general public. ( and that is not like him, this ungentlemenly way. ) Staticidiot, who is currently typing this entry to atone for his sins, plays one of the more crucial roles in the class. Yes. Keeping the class sane. Apart from being the sanity-keeper, he is also the arch-enemy of Bryan the Wide-Eyed Bull, for reasons even he himself cannot comprehend. He saves the weak and feed the poor and everytime there is a need for funds to do so, he steals from the rich and famous! One can say that his deeds are comparable to Robin Hood of Sheerwood Forest. For now, the humble him shall return to introducing the rest of the fellowship.
Just after Staticidiot finished the last word of the previous paragraph, a cow appeared on MSN Messenger. And this leads to the next animal of the class. Kirrthana the Cow. Kirrthana is in Human Terms, what people will call shameless. Apart from the fact that she always insist on people calling her Kitty ( when she is obviously a cow ), she never fails to irritate ( what she calls entertain ) the class with her resounding voice. When she moos, the whole establishment trembles. With this shameless act of "entertaining", she got an award in debating. Prize Money and all, never did she once treat the ones closest to her ( or the ones who knows her aching secrets ) any meals. Not only that, she demands tributes to be given to her just because she is, well, her.
Next animal worth a place in this entry is Jin Hua the pimply Feline. As much as he or she likes ( no one in the class came close to discovering his gender ), there is no way his face will be as smooth as a marble. For with the amount of face-cleanser this Feline uses, one can probably make the Taj Mahal shine. Staticidiot cannot deny the fact that he is very hard-working. The only thing that he does apart from prining himself is study, study and study. For that, he achieved grades which are worth his effort and no one should take that away from him. Although most of the day, he tries to be as elegant as a swan, as innocent as a lamb and as harmless as a rabbit, when the need calls for it, Jin Hua will bare his claws and transform into a ferocious feline, capable only of killing a fly.
Closely linked to this feline is the spouse. A very stoic believer of Christianity, Karen the Poodle. Do not be deceive by her looks ( or gender ), she is one not to be trifled with. With a amazing hair-do and a snow-white skin, nobody can steal her spouse away from her. With the exception of Hui Zhen the Duck.
Hui Zhen the Duck shall be the last animal Staticidiot will be introducing tonight for dawn is breaking and Staticidiot must return to his coffin to sleep. The Duck as many will know belongs to the Anatidae along with swans and geese. There isn't much to describe about her for most of her character co-incides with a duck. Therefore, to introduce her will be like describing the daily habits of a duck, which can easily be found on the net. However, one thing to highlight about her is that when she falls down, it isn't graceful or anything. The way Hui Zhen falls is more like a woodedn dummy. Landing in the exact position while standing.
That is all for tonights entry.
And May the Lord Bless All~
p.s: Old McDonald have a farm.....
The One with te 3rd Person
Staticidiot has been beaten once again to upload music! Arghz~However, he is currently undergoing the painful procedure of learning how to set up a radio.blog on his blog. In the event where he is unable to set up the radio.blog, he might turn into hacking into various blogs to delete a few song(s) that is deemed inaudible for the public. For now, please enjoy the radio.blog that he leached from a fellow friend on the internet! All you need to do is to click on the track on the playlist. The auto-play track is In A Silent Night, which Staticidiot thinks is a nicer song than Pride. Enjoy~
In A Silent Night
shizukana kono yoru ni anata wo matteru no
ano toki wasureta hohoemi wo tori ni kite
are kara sukoshi dake jikan ga sugite
omoide ga yasashiku natta ne.
hoshi no furu basho de
anata ga waratte irukoto wo
itsumo negatteta
ima tookutemo
mata aeru yo ne
itsu kara hohoemi wa konna ni hakanakute
hitotsu no machigaide kowarete shimau kara
taisetsuna mono dake wo hikari ni kaete
tooi sora koete yuku tsuyosade
hoshi no furu basho e
omoi wo anata ni todoketai
itsumo soba ni iru
sono tsumetasa wo dakishimeru kara
ima toukutemo, kitto aerune
shizuka na yoru ni
Monday, September 12, 2005
Rain, Rain Go Away.. lar..Entry Fee to Swimming Pool : S$ 1.00
Food Court Dinner : S$ 6.00
The Celestial Zone 2 Comic : S$ 7.87
Love Actually DVD : S$19.90
My Dad's E-Z Link card: S$ 25.00
Nike Running Shorts : S$ 42.55
Billabong Berms : S$ 79.90
The Fun I Had Today : S$ Priceless.
Went swimming today. Not much sun today, so never swim for very long. Anywayz, there's this irritating fellow at the pool today. I swim one lap, he swim one lap. I swim 2 laps, he swim 2 laps. I "du lan" swim 4 laps, he also swim 4 laps. Than I very "du lan" swim 16 laps, He swim 8 he pengz. kaoz~
Had kind of a last minute dinner with Adriel, Yuhan and Merina. Reached Westmall at around 5 pm after finish "releasing stress" at Lot 1. Haha. Thing is, once I reached there, went and leaned against a fence and continued my magical journey into Terrel's world. ( in short, reading ) At round 5.20 ( the meeting time is 5.30 ), I looked around to see if any of them is here yet. Looked left, no one familiar. Looked right, same there. Looked front, saw alot of people smoking. Than I looked back to find this guy wearing light brown T-shirt and jeans, with a breast size of at least a B leaning against the same fence that I am leaning on. ( Only thing is that he is on the other side and slightly to my right. Ding-Dong. Adriel! Appears that he has been there at around 5 too.
This is not the first time something like that happened. The last time was at Orchard, when I was on one side of those massive big round pillars and he was on the other. HEck! Then came Mer and Hanz, saw Mer carrying a super big plastic bag, than rememebered that she said that she got something to pass to me. Gosh!! And I'm already carrying all the stuff that I bought earlier on! Than I saw that the thing inside was wrapped and thought that the gift was for Adriel or Yuhan, since their Birthdays are approaching. Found out that the present was for me and that it is from error. Haha. Initially, Mer said that the present is from both her and yuhan, but the last sentence sounded abit suspicious. This is what she said ( translated from Mandrin ) :" Oh, add on present from me and Yuhan. ( Short break ) and from Adriel ( using Adriel's chinese name ) .And than both started laughing.
Went to the Food Court to eat. ( we only went for dinner because Adriel had Pork Chops everyday for the past 7 days ) Saw Yuhan pulling out a Guardian plastic bag with some Pregnancy-Kit looking boxes. ( We were talking about Rubber-Boy earlier on ) *Gasps* HAd lots of fun poking fun at them again. And of coz they on my hair which was flat as I wore a cap and my 3 legged hamster. Stayed there for quite some time, than went to Coffee Bean for awhile. Had more laughter there. Blah blah blah...
Now that I had warmed up for shopping at Lot 1, lets go to town!
p.s: EVERY SINGEL LIVING BEING living near Bukit Batok Driving Centre are advised to stay at home this coming thursday if they value their lives.
p.p.s: Who has Gundam Seed Destiny Episode 47 and onwards? I can't wait for Shinn to die!!
p.p.p.s: In case you want to know the weather forecast for the next 5 days, it will be raining almost everyday!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
The One with the shortest Entry
I'm gonna be mad soon... but other than that, here's a song for you guys. =)ciaoz~
Wynona Judd - Testify To Love
All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
Reaches out to find where love began
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the seas
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
Will speak what love has done
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
(I will testify)
I will testify love
(Repeat 2x)
Friday, September 09, 2005
The One with the leave Clearance
Tell me why shouldn't I love my job?Wednesday:
Went to report to my new camp! Reported at 8 am. Fill in some details and went to the bunk ( filled only with sofas ) to rest until they need help. Sat there..... and fell asleep.. Woke up at 11.30am for lunch. After lunch, went to sleep again.... till around 3pm. Woke up to play monopoly till 5pm.. and went home.
Reported to camp. Sat outside the rp section to read. Went for lunch. After lunch, went to bunk to sleep. 5 pm went home. But before that, cleared my leave. today is my last day on the T-List.
So I'm only going back to camp on the 19th of September.
Really. Why shouldn't I love my job?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The One with the "Bye you slutty Island"
Today was my last day in that awful island. Booked in yesterday nite. Went to bunk. Slept till about 10 this morning only to be woken up by shuffling noises outside my bunk. A thief? Nope. It is Murali trying desperately to get into the bunk to break some news. News that was to inform us that we have to go get our posting orders immediately instead of 2.00pm.Went to collect the posting orders, thinking, " what the heck! I already know my posting" I should have known better to trust that black ass!! ( oppz ) Kidding. I'm not angry with him lar. Just my way of acknowledging his presence. Anywayz, I'm being posted to Sembawang camp for a Supply Supervisor course. Compared to that bloody island, it is nearer but quite the distance that I'm willing to travel to serve the nation. ( obviously showing the degree of loyalty to Singapore. ) Hopefully, it is really a stay out course. And that I'll get the rank promised soon after the whole course. ( which by the way, lasts for 4 whole freaking months. ) And of course, within the course, I will try to get my driving liscense, but, can someone tell me where to start?
After collecting that not-so-disappointing posting orders ( my friend got a stay in course ), went to meet JieMing for lunch. Lunch which I "owed" him since like one month ago. Were suppose to have lunch together like last month, ( don't ask me, he came up with it ) but everytime, some stuff just "mysteriously" crop up! Tsk. Oh!! By the way, Jie Ming is the first OOC of Foxtrot 36th BSLC. Going out of course on the first fall-in we had. Cool eh.
Met Sergeant Lee at the canteen. Had a chat with him. ( Most of the time its him talking about what to do at the new unit.. blah blah.. and also about the wierd, chim and totally nonsensical true name for the poncho. ) Than he started talking about the rate of OOC of Foxtrot ( rate = no. of trainees going out of course / day ) and mentioned one of his trainees going for a blood test or something the day before. First name that came to my mind and out of my mouth... Caleb Cheow? *Gawks* True enough it was him!! And than came the conversation about ( a short one ). You cannot blame me for being curious and all that for it is true that curiosity kills the cat. And the only reason why I'm not dead is because I'm a tiger and tigers aren't really cats. They only belong to the Feline's Species.
Both Micky ( not that mouse ) and I booked out without Murali, for we just couldn't find him!!! And this is not the first time leh. Oppz. Wonders what he thinks. Oh and Mer, I never recieve any $$$ from Xiao Hei. ( pun intended )
May tomorrow be a good day for me! =)
Friday, September 02, 2005
Routine Orders from HQ:Samson Cher from F Coy is suppose to report to the AO to collect his posting orders on 6th Sept, 14 00 hrs.
Wahahahhaa... At Last, I'm being posted out of that horrible, horrible island. The Best is Yet to Come.. Whahaha.. Anywayz, thanks to Murali, who was gifted with the ability of stealth, he managed to scoop up where I'm posted to!! ( Note that his ability only becomes active when the sun in down ) And coincedentally, he's also being posted there!! LOOK OUT!! People!! watch who is stalking you at night.
Yupz~ And yesterday was a very wierd day. Why, you may ask. Simple. Strange things happened!!! First, there was this Caleb guy. Well, I'm having lunch with Murali when he came over to say hi ( he was from my BMT coy and SiSpec coy ). After which, he graciously sat himself infront of me ( uninvited ) to chat. I mean, there's nothing wrong about chatting at all. He is a very nice guy. I bet lots of girls swoon over him. *Note that I'm trying to be very very nice* To carry on, he was talking about how it sucks to be back for the ASLC course, and saying the usual stuff trainees will say, that this ( the island ) is the last place that they want to be, and that how they wish they have a life like mine. ( which I normally rebutt, saying that there's the whincing pain factor that they are forgetting ) Than, we talked about him, that Caleb guy, wanting to go Out Of Course like me, and down-grading because he has some blood thingy gone wrong. Not too sure about that. And of Coz, there's this brainiac who is so full of himself, Murali, who keeps interferring with our conversation till the extent where I almost asked Caleb to ignore that swirling mass of darkness sitting beside him.
Around this point is when the wierd stuff happened. He winked at me. At first I thought, maybe he was just blinking. Or maybe something got into his eye ( which in normal circumstances, will cause a person to shout :fark: and shuts both thier eyes ). But than, the winking came again.
Maybe this maybe not seem a big deal to you but it is to me. Like Dennis sensitivity to Spirits, I am to this..yah.. you get the picture... No. YOU MUST GET THE PICTURE. And than, due to some psycho-motor mechanism, I unconciously activated my E.S ability ( which by now, I am cursing myself for doing that!!). Anywayz, he left soon after that, and I thanked God.
This stupid incident left my mind almost immediately as I have to focus on more important stuff. How to run away from my duties in the mess that evening. After alot of wacky ideas, I still went upon my shift with the heart of a lion. Meow. That night was Happy Hour. A torturing 6 hours when Sergeants and Officers comes to the mess to kill their kidneys because the drinks are free. Judging from the amount that they took, I can conclude that one of them is gonna die in the next 10 years. Around like 9 pm ( the function started at 6 ), my previous OC, came to ask for yet another beer. After commenting on the perfect skill I displayed on pouring beer, he winked.
First thought, he is really drunk ( and this guy will not die of old age or kidney failure, but of the shock he will recieve after learning that all the stocks he bought just went down a dollars 1 hr ago )
Second thought, the incident during lunch.
third and last thought just to pacify myself: today must be winking day.
p.s: May I, in this lifetime, witness a meteorite crashing into Mars....