Sunday, March 27, 2005
The One with the
YESH!!! Blogspot is finally back in English!!!Lolx~ Anywayz, my new specs arrived today... yes, the rectangular black frame one... Still can't believe I actually agreed to that specs!! haiz~ Basically, I look like a nerd wearing it, not that I don't look like one now, but I look MORE like one wearing it... nerd as in nerd nerd, not the utt nerd in the TV drama Chase. haha
Okayz, just applied for my university admission thingy for NTU today. Kinda late but I'm still within the dateline, so everything should be fine... Not too sure about the application though, coz it wrote that the application now is for the batch 2005-2006. And I thinking, if I get accepted into the University that I want to enter, wouldn't my batch be like, two years after? I mean, I still have my finish my National Service, ( which by the way, I will be enlisting in less than 2 weeks ) blah blah blah... haiz~ sleeping in a room with possibly, 12 other people snoring, aren't a very attractive place to be in... I mean, snoring!!! Than, I'll be kept awake by those snores and than blah blah blah, you know what happens when people don't get thier needed hours of sleep right?
Anyhow, really really bored this few days... I mean, most of the time, the only things that is floating through my mind is, XX more days till you will have to leave your comfortable bed and "rest" in a creaking old and rusty bed. Arghz!!! Appealing.... -.-"
Like what the title of the blog indicates:
~why be normal?~
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The One with the Memories
Phew!!! Almost another week gone, and all I did was play~Haha, frankly, there isn't much that I can do now that my enlistment day is lesser than 15 days away~ Training for the nation? Serving the Nation? Arghz~ Bull ***!! Hmmm, where did all that patrioism go? Anyhow, here's what happened for the pass few days:
The whole day have been quite peaceful. Except for that "terrifying" experience whereby I have to meet YM again... oh brother!! Why did I even go there? Now I remember!! coz the Juniors pang seh me... say wanna go Sentosa... dotz.. but in the end... haiz~ Okay... so I went there for like 3 hours... sitting there listening to some "great" philosopher preaching about Management and stuff.. Well at least I have this ability, which is somewhat useful in such scenerios.. The Art of Switching Off. How fascinating is that!!!?
And than at night, went clubbing with Huiting and Shan Bin and Wee Pin and Ee Hui and the Pig... And there's Qifeng and Theodric.. oh ya, and there's this person by the name of Kenneth... hahaha.. nothing special!! *whistles* hahaha.. okok.. so first, went to Rouge, only to find that the place is empty!! okay, the dance floor is empty... So went to M.S to look for another club. Actually, it's Theodric who's the one looking, since he is so called "familiar" who the place. ( as told by Hui Ting ) The Next place, well, have a 5 by 5 metre dance floor. The positive side is, it is always pack!! The Negative side is, it is always pack... get the idea? so in the end, went home smelling like smoke... every.single.part.!!! arghz!!!
now now... what did I do on Sunday... oh ya... I slept most of the day away... I think, just think, that I am expected at this meeting in school... hmmmm.. or am I? lolx... ok.. anywayz, I didn't go.. end of story.
Yawnz, after one week of hols, went back for my last week of work at the cafe!! Gave my sis her prezzie!! belated one.. never wrap or change the plastic bag..haha... and than it's also Wan Ping's last day as a teacher!!!
hahaha.. den like tt lor... the ever so bored-looking uncle asked wan ping if she wants to work there ( as in at the cafe ) after i quit... lolx... haiz~ poor JJ studentsz...
here's a pic taken on my last day. Used Wan Ping's phone to capture, transfered to my Sis's phone than passed to me. That's why the lousy resolution.

So here's about everything liaoz~
~The Stars aren't shining at thier brightest yet~
Saturday, March 19, 2005
The One with the night Cycling?
And I became a teacher today!!!heez~ okay, this is what happened.. went "night" cycling with Huiting, Shanbin and Wee pin on Friday.. Do not know about you guys but the term night cycling, gives me the impression of cycling throughout the whole night until dawn the next day. But guess what!! To some people out there ( for e.g Huiting & Shanbin ), it meant cycling after 7.30p.m. -.- " arghz~!! And I was mentally prepared to cycle till morning!!!
Anywayz, Wee Pin learnt how to cycle!!! All thanks to me!!! ( that's what he said lar ) Guess that teaching is REALLY my stuff.. lolx! Initially, I thought that he was just joking around ( the part where he doesn't know how to cycle ) but after seeing him sweat buckets after trying to balance on the bike, I realized that HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CYCLE!!! Not trying to sound bad ( coz I don't even need to try ), but aren't cycling one of the easier-to-learn sports in Singapore? But he still managed to learn how to cycle in like 30 minutes ( which is alittle long for my record ), which in ShanBin's opinion, is very good leh. However, the most important point is that we managed to go reach one end of East Coast!! ( I was afraid that we will be stuck in one small area because Wee Pin doesn't know how to cycle ) lolx~
And on that day, I found out that cockcroaches can live by the sea too!! My Gosh!! You know those Granite look-alike rocks by the beach? There's cockcroaches there!!! Almost jumped into the sea man!! Of all things that I am afraid of, cockcroaches rank the top 5!!! arghz~
Going to Sentosa later in the day, and after that, clubbing with Qifeng and HuiTing bah. And than there's the Alumni Meeting on Sunday which I just might absent myself from!!! Serious case of flu... and sinus and fever!!!
Oh ya.. Hang over from clubbing too!!! And getting to sick of the sun from Sentosa!! So many excuses.. so little uses..
~When the sky gets dark, the stars comes out~
Friday, March 18, 2005
(Kid Rock)Livin' my life in a slow hell
Different girl everynight at the hotel
I aint seen the sunshine in 3 damn days
Been fuelin' up on cocaine and whiskey
Wish I had a good girl to miss me
Lord I wonder if I'll ever change my ways
I put your picture away
Sat down and cried today
I can't look at you while I'm lying next to her
I put your picture away
sat down and cried today
I can't look at you while I'm lyin' next ta her
(Sheryl Crow)
I called you last night in the hotel
Everyone knows but they wont tell
But their half hearted smiles tell me somethin'just aint right
I been waitin' on you for along time
Fuelin' up on heart aches and cheap wine
I ain't heard from you in 3 damn nights
I put your picture away
I wonder where you been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin next to him
I put your picture away
I wonder where you been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin next to him
(Crow)I saw you yesterday with an old friend
(Rock)It was the same old same how have you been
(Both)Since you been gone my worlds been dark and grey
(Rock)You reminded me of brighter days
(Crow)I hoped you were comin' home to stay
I was head of the church
(Rock)I was off to drink you away
(Both)I thought about you for a long time
Can't seem to get you off my mind
I can't understand why we're livin' life this way
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I found your picture todayI swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I just called to say I love you, come back home
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The One with the illegal stuff
Wow!!! At last someone who shares the same views as me!!!Take it All away is far better than True, Kelly Clarkson is the BEST and clubbing is so monotonous!!!! Where else to find such a person?? Yupz!!! Some where called the forum. But speaking of which, there is something that is very different ( as in views and opinions ) hahaha... evilz~
Anywayz, today, I finally completed Suikoden IV. But I didn't manage to recruit all the 108 Stars of Destiny... therefore, the story isn't that complete.... haiz~so sadz... well actually, I could replay everything again, but nah, I shall start with the 5 new games that I bought today... rich right?
And apparantly, I do not have much of a organizing skill.. because today, I'm suppose to be at Sentosa killing my skin cells!! Arghz~ Somehow, it turned to a trip to Malaysia's Giant to look at how dirty the place is...and to see how much our friendly neighbour has grown... wateva~ ( very little lar )
okay, initially, there are tonnes of things that I wanna write in this entry, but sometime between 10pm till now, I lost all the "drive" to type...
So everything should be alright if I'm left alone... not really left alone lar, but left far far away... hahaha
~ Henge~ ~
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
The One with the swollen toe
Everything is going to be fine... someday...Life of a Graduate waiting for National Service just can't get any more boring. Especially when he is out of work... B.O.R.I.N.G!!! Okay, nothing much happened today. So apparantly, I'm just blogging to announce to the public how "free" I am... Tsk Tsk... I can sleep till noon...
Sianzified... as the title implies... Why be normal? Especially when the world is looking for star-studded personalities and capabilites. Of course, there are two different sides of not being normal. Do I fall within the "positive" special and unique or the "negative" strange and wierd? Or am I within the range of pH 6.5 - 7.5, coloured green and not red or blue? Haha... wierdo...
So back to how boring my life can be, I have to state that the autistic me is re-surfacing once again... haha... or maybe it is just due to the infinite time that I have to face the Uncle who is my so called supervisor. Please note that he can come up with things so very boring... and dull... that sometimes, a person seeing what he said or did just couldn't stop himself from thinking," is he from this era?" Okay, that sounded mean but hey, you should have heard his jokes!! or what he assumes as jokes. Oh well, different people have different views on stuff.. just because I don't find his "jokes" funny doesn't mean that others don't.
Catch this:
"Do you know that the President of United States of Anerica invited me to white house to pin cha ( drink tea )?"
That's his out-of-nowhere joke...
To think of it, that sounded more like lameness..
OMGosh!!! He is giving a shot at being lame!!
People out there, please note that this is one very good scenerio proving the fact that not everyone is born smart!!!
I am such a bastard.
~ when there is kokoro, there's hikari ~
Friday, March 11, 2005
The One with the Dance Dance Revolution??
While some people slog in farms, others are sweating out carrying their National Service. Some are working thier guts out in their jobs. But there are always those who are enjoying themselves.. People like me!! =)Okok... Everytime there's a debrief of what not, some scoldings and repriminding is certainly gonna be exchange between people.. Today's Love Fiesta 2 debriefing is no different. There's the usual reflections, the overall benefits earned and of coz, the "let's talk about how you guys did" thingy. What's stranger than strange is the people who were talking.. or in a more accurate description, senseless scolding. Out of the 4 ACC seniors who are present, as usual, I'm the most Angelic one.. ( hard not to be since with a face like mine.. arhhzz, how not to? )
S.B gave off the her speech. A speech about how Alumni Connection Club members are able to play Simon Says throughout the event itself. A speech of how answers always ( miraculously ) starts with : " Bao Yun say" ( and it isn't even proper English!! ). Next up is the ever so eager N.B. This person IS the key factor of the upheavel of 2003 in ACC. Today, she is the one who was graded, The One with the Nosense. Evil~
*for more details, please refer to . What else can I say?
Anywayz, enough of those sad, sad stories... whateva~ Haha.. went to JE with Huiting and Shan Bin later.. initally, there's the whole confort Kiwi programme being planned... but in the end, Kiwi never turned up.. haiz~ so went to JE arcade to play... and guess what we did? yupz, DDR!!! -.-" what the hell was I thinking? Embarassing myself infront of total strangers!!! But hmmm, to think of it, ain't I doing that all the time? Oh brother~ So today is the last day of Term 1 for people who are still studying... time to return full force to study!! and also time for me to slack abit... going to NUS open house tommorrow... really hope to be able to at the very least, get a brief understanding of the courses that I wish I will be granted.. haiz~
~But he's so beautiful, such a beautiful disaster~
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The One with the Counting~
Heez~Hi guys, I'm Back!!!
I know what you're thinking.. didn't someone say that he's not blogging any longer? hahaha.... guess what... that's a lie... Like my Life... Lolx~ Anywayz, the earlier "stunt" is to prevent some people out there from reading my blog.. ( coz as u can guess, I have ALOT of enemies!!! not to mention that friend of yuhan's and mer's...) arghz~ Laugh Out Loud!! If you did not stumble onto this blog by chance or luck, than you are one of the people who have been given permission by the ever so great Samson Cher, to read the oncoming ( including this ) entries. Anywayz, those who I did send my new blog address to, welcome. For others who find this site from links... welcome too.
So how should I start a new blog?
I know... let's talk about writing Diaries... Okay.. Nothing to be embarassed about... Yupz.. I write them too.. but previously, I typed them into my com and store all the diary entries there.. so you must be thinking, isn't that double work? It's like writing the same things twice!!! Well actually, there's a major difference. One for example is that I.Can.Write.Anything.I.Want.In.There!!! In here, that's a whole different case..
So anywayz, there are quite afew things I would like to tell you guys out there. And that is...... Drumroll......
I am sleepy leh... and I have to work tomorrow... and I still have to write ( not type ) *hintz* the events that happened today later... haiz~ Quite a fruitless entry this is... ( Sentence re-structuaring anyone? )
And as usual, I'm going to end all entries with something.. not that all are quotes from famous people. ( coz that will be very. very boring.. ) So here goes, the first sentence that will set its mark in history is:::::::
~ I hate my life ~