Tuesday, August 05, 2008
All the muggers in the world unite!

What better way to start the 2nd day of the current semester than to arrive at school UBER early just to go through some lecture notes, something which I have not been doing for the last semester. However, I am not the only one who did that. Sze Ling + Cornelius (the residential chao mugger) + Eugene (new mugger on the block) + Melzone (old mugger) arrived in school around the same time I got there. Such competition! Oh gosh, this is going to be a difficult semester to score!

Huiting wants her Atkins Physical Chemistry Texts back! Dang.... This means that I have to spend a bomb on Text books this year!

Text bought:
McMurry Organic Chemistry 7th Edition (44.80)
Thinking Schools, Learning Nation: Contemporary Issues and Challenges (18.90)
A Philosophy of Education: Learning and Teaching Meaningfully and Responsibly (19.90)
Communication Skills for Teachers (19.00)

Text to be Bought for this Semester:
Invertebrate Zoology (~90.00)
Vertebrates (unknown price)
Atkins Physical Chemistry (unknown price)

Holey Holey Holey Holey in my Pocket!

away to mug~


p.s: I overheard that someone completed his assignment for a module already
p.p.s: the module have NOT even started

staticidiot wrote on 10:09 PM.