Thursday, July 27, 2006
A compilation of two weeks
It took me around 2 weeks to come up with this entry. And it is not because I do not enjoy writing it. Just that procrastinating got the better of me.Even now, I am forcing myself to type this out. But somehow or another, I have to start kicking that lazy bug out of my system. Too many things in camp that I should have had done still lay somewhere in that locked cupboard collecting dust and incubating spider babies.
Went out with my PJ friends LAST Saturday. It was nice of R.Y to ask me along this class gathering ( I only studied there for less than 3 months ) but next time, remember to ask Eugene out too. I really enjoyed it.
Anyways, the bunch of us went to watch Pirates at The Cathay. Almost everyone who were supposed to be there were late ( that includes me ). In fact, out of the 8 of us watching, only 3 came on time. Pravin came late due to the traffic. And he was the one who booked the tickets. Though he was not the latest. The last to arrive was Nancy, and it is because of her lateness that caused us our first 5 minutes of the movie! Lolx.
Anyways, we went to the glass house to have our dinner. ( yes I struggled to put that piece of Dory Fish into my mouth ) Halfway through our dinner, saw the fireworks display over at the National Stadium. Guess it was the NE show for the kids. Took lots of pictures there too. I think almost the whole class was using the sony erricssion phone cept for Pravin who is still using his pink Razar. Kind of cool though, not the Pink Razar, but the class sharing the same Hand Phone Model.
Saw my upper-study at PS after the dinner. There’s also one ‘model’ walking around and strutting her/his stuff. Giving everybody there the shingles up their spine.
Anyways, here are a few photos that I manage to get my hands on.

From the left: Jun Hao, Kuanz and Me

That's Geraldine giving the act cute post. Genevive is the only other person looking at the camera. Every else is too engross with something else.

Grace and Me. So insisted that I stand on her left.

A stem and some petals. Get the drift?

The Gang~
The past week in camp is boring. Mainly because everyone I know in camp are finishing their 2 years liability to the Nation and happily clearing their leaves. Went to the debrief, which marks the end of the stock-take. For me, the main highlight of the meeting was the part when S4 announced the 3 days off for the involved personnel. Not much but better than nothing.
Also cleared my IPPT ( army term for NAFPA ) last week. By the directive, I have already fulfilled my part since I only need to get a pass for that bloody test. I did better. Got a silver instead. However, my OC isn‘t satisfied with the Grade I got. ( By the way I got a perfect score ) I still remember his words -à “I don’t care! You must get a gold!” and “ I admit that I am coming from a selfish view, but I still don’t care, you must get a gold!”
How’s that for a OC?
And I also met my future CSM. The experience was one hell of a Nightmare. One that haven’t even begun and I’m already shivering. And that’s an understatement.
I’m just finding a way to cross all my fingers at the same moment and pray that they made a major mistake in the posting!